• お気に入り
  • 267もぐもぐ!
  • 34リスナップ
  • 2015/07/09
  • 2,705

鷄と野菜の湯葉巻き揚げ/Makiko san'sきゅうりのQちゃん漬け

みんなの投稿 (7)
A dish I had in Kyoto's いしかわ restaurant,which specialized in obansai.Basically it's the same as the original,I just added cheese,couldn't resist...
Also Makiko san'sきゅうりのQちゃん漬け.I bought some of these for my wafu po boy sandwich awhile ago,I like them a lot but have no idea how to make.Big thank you to Makiko San,with your recipe I could try for myself now.It came out super delicious,just like the one I bought.I enjoy making my own 漬物,but next time I will start earlier,so it won't be 2:00 in the mid night when they are bottled...
rick chan から 麻紀子
I understand.I will make this again and that's what I will do next time.
Just start early on my day off,relaxing myself when they are being steeped!Actually it's not difficult at all,it just take a long time,but I get how the good taste comes from and it totally worth it!
I am always interested at making my own tsuke mono,I am so glad you could teach me how to make this one!
😍😍omg! I wonder if this is the dish that you were talking at that night.This is elaborate dishes,I'll look up to you! This is really my type! I big love 湯葉巻き揚げ💓!!!
Love that crispy surface! I like the one that including cheese. Oh! You made Makiko san's pickles! My mum big fan of Qちゃん,
I need to make for her with Makiko san's recipe. But I didn't know you were working in kitchen until 2am...🙀💦 is it your usual?
Please heal your body for midnight〜😊
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you,you over praised!
It's really not difficult,but what kept me from doing this is that I had doubt buying this type of 腐皮 wrapping,because this can't be wash before,and I wouldn't know how people handle this.Recently I found vacuum packed ones and it looks hygienic enough,I will use it more often from now.
Original was so good,but adding cheese is very cross cultural thing that Japanese would do too,so I tried.
Qちゃん is not hard to do,but involves 5 times hot liquid steeping til cooled,I started after work,so it was late when I finish,normally I don't work that late in kitchen.Please try it for your mother on your day off too,Makiko San recipe is spot on!
rick chan から ゆかり
I couldn't remember what we were talking about,but there was another dish that wowed me too,I might get to that later!
ゆかり から rick chan
I am sincere,not saying it for flattery. It's takes a bit time to make ,I really love like this tricky dish too😊 I was remembering you told me you made 和食,and I thought it was! I wonder what makes you say wow! 楽しみにしてるよ〜🎶
もぐもぐ! (267)
リスナップ (34)