Place oil into frying pan and cook onion with slow fire until translucent, then add one TSP of salt and one crushed garlic, but cook it just a bit and then take out all onion and garlic into the separate bowl.
Add 20ml of oil and cook paprika on medium heat until soft. Same as with onion, add one TSP of salt when it’s soft. Place it in the separate bowl.
While the frying pan, put it on high heat and add meat. Sear it approx one min on each side. It shouldn’t be over cooked. Put vegetables back into frying pan and cook it slowly with meat.
Add pepper to taste and oil 60ml, 1.5 TSP of sweet paprika powder, half TSP of chili powder, 1TBS of olive oil, Vegeta. Add tomatoes and a can of diced tomato. Add one garlic clove crushed with hands. Cook on low/medium heat for around 40min until oil comes to the upper part turning red and sauce becomes thicker.
When it’s done sprinkle with fresh Italian parsley. Serve with bread.