• お気に入り
  • 229もぐもぐ!
  • 28リスナップ
  • 2015/10/24
  • 1,985


みんなの投稿 (6)
I am no expert of ramen and I don't have a favorite type of soup base,as long as it's well made.I could have any type.But for topping,I love some sauté bean sprout and cabbage,boiled egg(味玉),chashiuチャーシュー,and nori.
The noodle and soup is store bought,but I made the chashiu,lightly smoked too.
rick chan から 麻紀子
Although it's not the most important item in a ramen,but I love a good chashiu,luckily they are not difficult for me,and the leftover is good for many things!This is simple enough for me,but I want to tackle the soup,may be next time!
Thank you for your compliment,Makiko.
Thank you Tomo San,I am glad to hear from you!
Haha,I can't make everything,but I am always willing to try.
Making chashiu is no brainier for me,I have done it many times,nowadays I cook it in pressure cooker,it's so much faster!
But sorry I have mislead you,I didn't make the soup,I bought it.I know the ingredients and procedure,but I get don't have the determination yet,may be one day,I probably tackle the dipping broth for つけ麺 first,I like it better now!
In HK,our most popular local noodle is wanton noodle,I love it too,the broth is clear,and made out of dried fish,shrimp roes bones and other stuffs,I wouldn't dream to make that...
Did you cook this!!!?
You can open ramen shop!
rick chan から Yayowe
Thanks so much! Appreciate it!
もぐもぐ! (229)
リスナップ (28)