Wash the apple well, and peel them. Cut out the core as you’re making small cups out of each apple. Make sure to take out all seeds. Set peel from one apple aside. Make walnuts powder in a blender or so.
In a large pot, pour water, sugar, lemon juice and some apple skin. Bring to boil on high heat. Stir often and put lower heat and add apples. Boil apples 5-7min on both sides. Cooking time is depending on the type of apples and your stove. Make sure they don’t overcook or they’ll fall apart, or they undercook and stay hard. Remove off heat. Continue cooking the syrup for 20-30min.
Take apples out of the syrup and transfer to a deeper bowl to cook down. Keep the syrup.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Make stiff merengue from one egg white with pinch of salt. Cover grated walnuts with hot milk and cool it down. Add merengue of one egg white, cinnamon and a little bit of vanilla essence to walnuts and stir until completely incorporated.
Fill each apple with about 2-3 tsp of the filling.
Bake them at preheat oven 190C for 10-15min, take it out, pour syrup over it and cool down. Decorate with whipped cream and add grated walnuts on top and serve. Not necessarily to put oven as well.