• お気に入り
  • 93もぐもぐ!
  • 4リスナップ
  • 2013/02/02
  • 618

GRAMERCY NEW YORKの苺タルト(*´꒳`*)♡ (strawberry tart)

みんなの投稿 (23)
To: mushroOmcafe
Let's share it(fat)!!😘55
To: haruchn
To: mushroOmcafe
"OMG!! Please give us it ,aom!!!" 🐱🐱🐶🐻←greedy friends 55
To: mushroOmcafe
🏃🐯................🐱🐶🐻 (Punpun transformed into tigger!!) 55+
To: mushroOmcafe
ก๊ากกกก😂555+ "Let's eat the tart while Aom is away~♪" 🐯🐱🐶🐻
To: mushroOmcafe
Sorry, aom😂😂😂😂😂555+
To: aya0522maru 5555+ I'm ok,it is a lot of fun 😂😂
わぁ〜すごい‼たくさんいちごね(◍ ͒•ಲ• ͒◍)♬美味しいそう♡
To: mushroOmcafe
oh!You took a mistake💦
🙅 ×......👧🐯🐱🐶🐻

🙆○.....🐴🐯🐱🐶🐻 555

Good morning~ aom👸 Did you sleep well last night?
To: shirleymaiko
シャリーさん♡リスナまでありがとうございます!!私もいつかこんな素敵なタルトが作れるようになるといいなぁ(T ^ T)苺を平面でなく、山盛りにするとよりキュートになりますね!♡
To: aya0522maru 🐴🐯🐱🐶🐻👈👈 ....😂😂😂😂😂 funny girl 😂😂 Yeah,I slept well last night💤👍 Did you have a good dream? 👧🙅🐴
To: mushroOmcafe
Good👸💤 I don't remember dreams today😁😁555 But I slept well like ม้า✨Thanks❤🐴55
To: aya0522maru 5555+ Slept like 🐴 😂😂How about you today? Busy?
To: mushroOmcafe
555🐴 not busy😁🎵 How about you today?👸
To: aya0522maru not busy,too 👯just cleaning the house 🏠
To: mushroOmcafe
Punpun said "play with me~~~ aom~!!"🐯55
It's Bean-Throwing Festival in Japan today😁 called "Setsubun"🎵
To: aya0522maru 55+ I play with them everyday,that takes a lot of energy😥😂😂 Setsubun,sound like fun(search with google😝) Are you going the festival✨?
To: mushroOmcafe
Then I'll pray with them instead of you😘 ~~ 🐯🐱🐴♪♪
Setsubun is not an outside event😄 We eat and throw the beans in each house🏠🏠 I won't throw the beans, but I'll eat 27 beans😁
To: aya0522maru Really!!?? Ok,I have some nuts left too and I am about to eat 27 nuts just like you✨555+ Wowww!! I see Aya Maru(ko) so kawaii✨👸
To: mushroOmcafe
Yeah🎵 If you eat as many roasted beans as your age 27, you'll stay fit and healthy👍✨ It's a kind of charm against ill luck😉💓 and we eat rolled sushi😁
You're toooo kind, thanks///🐴
To: maru0522a woww lucky 27 ✨ it is the great blessings 👏 Sushi Rolls....everywhere ✨ หิวคะ 😁✋
もぐもぐ! (93)
リスナップ (4)