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Snapdishの料理写真:Papa y salsa huancaina
Papa y salsa huancaina
Plato de entrada peruana
材料: Papas sancochadas Queso fresco...
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Snapdishの料理写真:Octopus in olive sauce.

Pulpo al olivo: 
A dish was created in 1987 by Rosita Yimura. She was born in Callao (the first port of Peru),  and daughter of japanese parents. 
The recipe came from a recommendation from a customer who had eaten octopus in a plumb sauce. After an investigation, Rosita elaborates a sauce based on olives and mayonnaise. It was not the same dish that his client suggested, but the flavor was amazing!
Octopus in olive sauce Pulpo...
octopus pulpo polvo olive oliva aceituna...
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材料: Tomate Mozzarella Aceituna Ruc...
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Snapdishの料理写真:Pescado Condimentado con Aderezo de Aceituna, Huevo y Cebolla
Pescado Condimentado con Ade...
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