• お気に入り
  • 218もぐもぐ!
  • 38リスナップ
  • 2016/04/08
  • 2,869


みんなの投稿 (22)
Sweet version of sakura tofu
Still have some leftover sakura paste and wondering what else I could make,I came across this in the internet but couldn't find more detail on how to make,so this is purely out of my imagination.I used soy milk and sakura paste and set with agar.Served with a honey syrup.Honey and flower,well you get the connection.....
多麼美麗! 而且十分好吃的樣子!
rick chan から 麻紀子
I also heard,what a pity...
Happened to me while I was watching Sakura in Japan too,full bloom then came the rain,seems to happen every year recently too,that's quite frustrating,but the good news is there is always sakura next year...
rick chan から まちまちこ
rick chan から ゆっこ
まちまちこ から rick chan
「還可以接受的」⋯哈哈😄 你總是太謙虛吧。
你說的sakura paste是「桜あん」的意思吧? 櫻花是對你來說完全是外地的材料,可是你這種創意感覺真好像日本人的! 我真心佩服👏👏
Thanks Lara!
I was just fooling around with the leftover,this still needs to improve on if I need to serve anyone,it's slightly hard for me,because I haven't tasted the original so far...
Of course I agree with you,the scenes you mentioned are so enchanting,we should not overlook!
But for me,coming to Japan needs a little planning beforehand,and sometime what I see entirely depends on luck,but I cherish whatever I am given,and with sakura,it happens every year.
I am aiming at less crowded place next year,I'll do some research!
rick chan から まちまちこ
Hi Machiko,你好!
這個 sakura paste 應該是用櫻花漬的花瓣,研磨過後製作成的醬,一小包的,帶一丁點鹹味,可以在菓子材料店買到的。至於sakura an,我想應該喚作'櫻味白豆蓉'較好吧⋯⋯
WOW. You made 🌸 an lovely tofu. How could you imagine such a beautiful dish? Wish I could taste a bit!
By the way, I guess your cover photo is taken at Meguro river. I've just been there to see cherry blossoms. It's a bit late for 🌸 but still there! I was so pleased. I'm living in countryside, mountain cherry blossoms has not started yet. After that, everything become greenly green.
name_undef から rick chan
I understand your circumstances very well. I'll let you know if I find some fine places for you!
I really enjoyed to have found many lovely sakura sweets at SD and talking about sakura and to meet spring with some users in this year. Ofcourse you are one of them,rick!! Thank you sooo much!!
まちまちこ から rick chan
我在網上搜索Sakura paste 了。原來現在有許多種類的櫻花食材的,我好吃驚了!
你為什麼那麼要努力? 將來要開自己的餐廳的嗎?😁
rick chan から cocoa
Thanks for your kindness,but I must have given you wrong impression.I was browsing through Internet and I found this,most probably a 源吉兆庵 item,but after a while I wanted to get more detail and I couldn't find it anymore,may be they don't do this anymore...At the moment I am still not good enough to creat a original wagashi,I really need to try eating and practicing more.You are right,photo was taken at Meguro,I realize the season finished too so I took it off for more green colour!I am so pleased everyone has been talking about Japan's sakura scenes with me,but also killing a little too I couldn't be there😊,so I make sure I'll go next year!Thank you always,I feel excited for you all those sakura happening for you soon,must be breathtaking views at the mountains,please enjoy this very special time of the year!
Thanks you Lara!
Please let me know any secret place that is full of Sakura but less people,haha,I think that's quite impossible...
But I have one place in mind,I've never been,but I heard 松本城 is quite beautiful,especially sakura time,may be I'll go.
You are welcome,everyone here has many things in common,making good food is just one of the way living an enjoyable life,there bound to be other interests that we share,please continue and find out more!
Also I hope your moving is nice and smooth,that you are enjoying a place of your own already!Take care my friend!
rick chan から まちまちこ
除了工作,做菜是我花最多時間,既然是最大興趣,我也希望能做到可以賺錢的水平(雖然現在沒有這個想法)。至於日本料理,目標是有像Machiko 般的手藝,所以要努力啊!
まちまちこ から rick chan
謝謝你,但是你誤解我了,我的日本菜在這S D裡卻屬於比較低的水平哦。你最好向其他的用戶學日本菜吧 (^_^)
rick chan から まちまちこ
name_undef から rick chan
Thanks my friend! Although I need to put my baggage away and organize my room more further,my moving is coming along! I'm enjoying my life at new place. I like my room and here!
I have never been 松本城,and want to go there too.
Anyway you are really knowing very well about Japan. Also it seems you read sentences in Japanes. Do you speak Japanes?
You have rich English vocabulary. So you stimulate me to not only cooking but also studying English!
How did you study English? I have heard what Hong Kong's schools have adopted English styl education. Is that true?
まちまちこ から rick chan
謝謝… (*-∀-)ゞ
Hi Lara,nice to hear you are coming along,and thank you for writing me back at you out of your busy schedule!
I am drawn to everything Japanese,so naturally I always looking out for information about Japan,I would say I know slightly more than average HK people,that's all....I did study Japanese for a year and a half long time ago,but I have forgotten most of it,I could read a little,single words,and nowadays it's easy to look up through the apps,I get pretty close definitions!
My English is just ok.HK used to be a British colony,English is our second language and we were required to learn it right from kindergarten,it proved to be an useful language for me to use,all over the world,so I encourage you to continue studying,you want regret it!
name_undef から rick chan
Hi rick. Wow! I think I had never learnt anything in my kindergarten days. Only playing,singing,eating...👭
I guess you are busy more than me and thank you so much for thoughtful writing everytime!
rick, have a lovely weekend!
もぐもぐ! (218)
リスナップ (38)