• お気に入り
  • 6もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2016/07/27
  • 710

Bubur Cha-Cha

材料・調味料 (4 人分)
purple sweet potatoes peeled roughly diced
orange sweet potatoes peeled roughly diced
yellow sweet potatoes peeled roughly diced
yam/taro peeled roughly diced
sago/tapioca pearls
tapioca jelly:
tapioca flour
red beet
3 large
pandan leaves cut into small pieces
a handful
bubur cha-cha
3 liter
organic coconut milk
2 cups
palm sugar
banana peeled and sliced
pandan leaves
sea salt
lets prepare the sweet potatoes and yam: prepare a steamer to steam the sweet potatoes. cover and steam until the potatoes and yam are slightly soft. once your fork can easily pork through, it is soft enough. remove from heat and set aside. if you do not have a steamer, place the potatoes and yam in a plate over water in a pot. bring the water up to a boil, cover and steam
let's prepare the tapioca pearls or sago: in a pot add in about 1/2 cup of water. bring it to a boil and add in the sago. stir to prevent the sago from sticking together. prepare a bowl with ice water. as soon as the sago turn slightly translucent, scoop and place the sago into the ice water bath. set aside. this is to prevent the sago from over cooking and sticking together
lets prepare the tapioca jelly: trim off the roots and top green part of the beets. cut the beets into wedges and transfer them into a pot. add water until the water cover the beets wedges. bring to a simmer over medium heat until the beets are tender and water reduced to almost a few tbsp (about 1/4 cup). this will be your red coloring. set aside
in a blender add in the cut pandan leaves and about cup of water. blitz it up until smooth about 5 minutes on high speed. strain the pandan mixture and this will be your pandan concentrate as well as green coloring
divide the tapioca flour into 2 different bowls 50g each. bring each coloring to a rolling boil and pour into the tapioca flour. I suggest do this separately. the water has to be boiling hot or the tapioca flour will not come together into a dough. gradually add in the colored water on 1 hand and mix with a fork on the other
as soon as it comes together into a dough, stop adding the water. you may need to add in more tapioca flour, 1 tbsp at a time. the end result is a very smooth and soft dough. roll the dough into a log and roughly dice into bite size pieces. repeat the step for the other color
once the 2 colored tapioca jellies are done, prepare a pot of about 1 cup of water. bring it to a boil and add in the tapioca jellies. prepare a bowl of ice water. once the jellies float to the surface and it is soft and slightly translucent, remove from heat and immediately place into the ice water bath. set aside
lets prepare the bubur cha-cha: in a large pot, add in water, coconut milk, banana, pandan leaves and palm sugar. bring it up to a simmer. do not boil the coconut mixture. stir occasionally to prevent the mixture from boiling. it should take about 10-15 minutes for the mixture to homogenized
add in a pinch of salt, the steamed sweet potatoes and yam, sago and tapioca jellies into the coconut mixture. bring it up to a simmer. remove from heat and serve hot or cold as desired. voila! bubur cha-cha!

you can use red and green food coloring as desired.

you can add more sugar as desired.

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