• お気に入り
  • 61もぐもぐ!
  • 2リスナップ
  • 2015/02/21
  • 650

Fish Taco

みんなの投稿 (15)
Taco Friday ^o^
Good idea!!!👍👍😎😎
norishio から Nigel Nakada
Nigel Nakada から norishio
Hey!' You live in LA!??... I used to work in Torrence!!😬😬
norishio から Nigel Nakada
Really?! I live in Torrance^^
Nigel Nakada から norishio
Yeah... I'm actually from vancouver Canada, but I used to go to LA for my work!! I stayed at Gardena terrace in.. And eat at Miyabi sushi often!!
And sen nari sushi is good too
norishio から Nigel Nakada
Wow what a small world!! I'm originally from Japan but I've been living here since 1996.
I sometimes go to Sen nari sushi for lunch😁
Nigel Nakada から norishio
Yes small world!! Now I live and work in japan!! I miss sen nari!!
norishio から Nigel Nakada
Nice to chat with you! Have a good weekend😊
Nigel Nakada から norishio
👍👍you too!!
Next time take photo sen nari sushi!!??😅😅😅
norishio から Nigel Nakada
Will do😄
Nigel Nakada から norishio
Your an angel!!💐💐
norishio から Nigel Nakada
もぐもぐ! (61)
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