Pre-preparation Take filo sheets out from freezer one night before. Oven tray 20x30cm.
Chop onions and spring onion in small cubes; Mix baking powder, milk and 80ml of oil;
Put oil(10ml) in frying pan and cook onion, spring onion, spring onion until it become translucent and then add meat, “vegeta” seasoning, salt and pepper. When meat is cooked, cool it down and add 3eggs and Greek yoghurt and mix well.
In oven tray spread a little bit of oil and put two filo sheets in bottom and spray it with milk/oil/baking powder mixture. Then add meat mixture evenly (not too much). Repeat the process (on every two sheets) until you use all filo sheets, but leaving two for the top.
Spray a little bit of oil on the top and spread egg yolk evenly. Sprinkle sesame on the top. Preheated the oven to 230C and bake for 25min until it gets golden brown.
You can even prepare it in the evening, put in the fridge and bake the next morning.