Rick's ♪ Hello ~ (* ☻-☻ *) we have finally done! Ginza of 朧月 ♡ It was very delicious. The shop of that off the beaten path until someone tell me, you would not go. Thank you! ️ This sentence, it is converted by the translation application. I'm sorry meaning to you I did not know
Hi ようこ San!So glad you went,thank you for believing me!私を信じてくれてありがとう! Actually it's closer to 有楽町, in an back street.実際には裏通りで、有楽町に近いです。There are many hidden good restaurants.多くの隠された良いレストランがあります。I like to go to Ginza's 鮨いわ,the chef there recommends me this place. 私は銀座の鮨いわに行くのが好き、シェフがそこに私が朧月をお勧めします。I go there everytime when I am in tokyou!東京にいるとき、私はそこに毎回行きます.Food is delicious,compared to 六厘舍,waiting time is short!食べ物はおいしいです、六厘舍に比べて、待ち時間が短いです! Also sorry for poor translation,I hope you understand!また、弱い翻訳のため申し訳ありませんが、あなたが理解してほしいです! ようこ San,please write Japanese,I understand a little!少し理解し、日本語を書いてください!
Hello ~ (* ☻-☻ *) we have finally done!
Ginza of 朧月 ♡ It was very delicious. The shop of that off the beaten path until someone tell me, you would not go.
Thank you! ️
This sentence, it is converted by the translation application.
I'm sorry meaning to you I did not know
Actually it's closer to 有楽町, in an back street.実際には裏通りで、有楽町に近いです。There are many hidden good restaurants.多くの隠された良いレストランがあります。I like to go to Ginza's 鮨いわ,the chef there recommends me this place.
私は銀座の鮨いわに行くのが好き、シェフがそこに私が朧月をお勧めします。I go there everytime when I am in tokyou!東京にいるとき、私はそこに毎回行きます.Food is delicious,compared to 六厘舍,waiting time is short!食べ物はおいしいです、六厘舍に比べて、待ち時間が短いです!
Also sorry for poor translation,I hope you understand!また、弱い翻訳のため申し訳ありませんが、あなたが理解してほしいです!
ようこ San,please write Japanese,I understand a little!少し理解し、日本語を書いてください!