Mlinci: Mix all ingredients well, knead and let the dough rest for half an hour. Divide the dough into 3 parts and using roll pin, roll one first until it's about 0.5cm thick and then cut it in square by knife ( doesn't need to be all equal).
While rolling it, if needed, use more flour, not to be sticky. Put a frying pan onto middle to high heat, put several dough into the frying pan and cook it on both sides until it gets the brownish colour. Put the lid onto frying pan so the cooking goes faster. Repeat until you all dough.
Sauce: Cut the turkey breasts into smaller parts, add salt and pepper, put in the frying pan and add butter. Stir it on the medium heat on both sides. Be careful not to over cook it.
Make soup out of water and bouillon.
Break Mlinci into small pieces, put them in a wider tray and pour warm bouillon soup over them, leaving a little bit of soup aside. Mix them well slowly so all Mlinci gets soaked evenly.
In separate bowl mix sour cream, fresh cream and Greek yogurt and add a little bit of bouillon soup that you left aside. Whisk it until even.
Spread a little bit of unsalted butter into the baking tray. Lay half of Mlinci on the bottom, then lay all meat evenly and pour meat grease left on the top. Then pour half of the white sauce and add the remaining Mlinci, covering them with the rest of the white sauce. Put the shredded cheese on top.
Preheat the oven to 200C and bake for 25-30min until cheese is golden brown. Sprinkle with fresh parsley and serve warm.