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  • 43もぐもぐ!
  • 1リスナップ
  • 2012/07/14
  • 1,065

Marikoszk San's 冷やし担担麵

みんなの投稿 (7)
I love cold noodle,and I love 担担麵,but never thought I could serve this cold until I saw Marikoszk San's beautiful dish.I went for more和風and used dashi and 胡麻醬for soup base,and braised pork with長䈡,干し海老,榨菜,花椒etc,and served with peanut,胡麻,胡麻油,辣油,ほうれん草,chopped 榨菜,黑胡椒。Absolutely delicious,so much I found
wow!!!! I really want to taste this so bad. Looks perfect ♡
To: Tayuko thank you,but no joke,this is one of the best noodle I have made,please try for yourself and you will see,add lots of 辣油too!
Continue from the top,'I found.....'myself still smiling when I'm writing this,thanks to you,Marikoszk San,this has become one of my favorite summer noodle!
To: marikoszk no need to thank me at all,in fact I have to thank you for such a wonderful idea.I think all the different 薬味really help making it so complex and delicious.山椒and 花椒are quite similar,and it could be good to use both too!
喜歡擔擔面和炸醬麵 :) You should publish your own cooking book!
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