• お気に入り
  • 65もぐもぐ!
  • 1リスナップ
  • 2012/09/16
  • 1,022

seafood paella

みんなの投稿 (11)
To: Turbee Thank you for the compliments!I saw this pan in かっぱ橋道具街,I love it so much I had to bring it home,made of aluminum and come with a wooden base.As with the photo,I am not too happy with the quality,it's quite dark at home and I only shoot with IPhone,which is more convenient for me,
To: Turbee ,I don't like to let my food gets cold...English is best for me,but I can read simple Japanese,your English is very good,you lived anywhere apart from Japan?
To: mcg1990 not my birthday and I couldn't say it was a party,but certainly a great party dish!really not difficult ,rather lengthy list of shopping and procedure,but so worth it.Sure you could manage!
To: rikk
Ya I know...cooking paella really needs patience,in buying the ingredients and cooking...but when it's done...ola! Happiness!hahahah!
🍀To: rikk I cannot believe you got them in かっぱ橋! love the かっぱ橋 also it is a heaven for chefs ♡ and for your question I did spend some time in the states and had long vacation in Rome that is why I love Italian food ♪
To: Turbee かっぱ橋is my heaven!!My friends think I'm crazy,when they are shopping in Minami Aoyama,I spent whole day in かっぱ橋,my apartment is full of the stuffs I bought from there!Long vacation In Rome!!Such a great experience,I'm so jealous...
To: Trivia36 made this over a week ago,you must have been busy!
To: rikk
Yes.. *giggling*
I have been 😊$$$
To: Trivia36 ,good for you ,keep it up!
もぐもぐ! (65)
リスナップ (1)