• お気に入り
  • 129もぐもぐ!
  • 10リスナップ
  • 2020/04/07
  • 1,552

今日は串焼き🍺✨ 鶏ササミのネギ塩だれ焼き🍻 レタス.アスパラ.エリンギ.トマト🍅の豚バラ巻き✨ 生姜の豚バラ巻き🍻💕

みんなの投稿 (15)
Thank you very much. I am happy‼︎😃
you welcome chef ...greetings from panama♥️👨‍🍳🇵🇦
I have never been to Panama...
I want to go and see that sometime☺️

I look forward to working with you💕💕
wow nice chef my work is creating burger .....im chilean 🇨🇱 but i live in panama 🇵🇦long time
I want to eat your burger sometime😌

Thank you for your answer💕
yea ofcourse someday my friend ....nice to meet you
We continue to communicate
Thank you for your kind words☺️
it's my pleasure to meet you here too😊

good night then💤✨
wow good night what time it is in japan ? sorry
I didn't want to take to star
Japan is 7:00 a.m of 9ht now☀️

Panama. please spend wonderful night soon in the shin tonight in time to see a star💫⭐️✨
wow 9 hrs bastante
yea tonigh we have pink moon


こないだ、英語でコメント来たので日本語で返し、また英語で返ってきたので日本語で返し、不思議な会話が暫く続きました。( ̄▽ ̄;)


もぐもぐ! (129)
リスナップ (10)