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  • 29リスナップ
  • 2017/06/05
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rick chanさんの料理 かぼちゃと生麩の味噌マヨ 《青もみじバージョン》

みんなの投稿 (3)





rick chanさんの料理→ #かぼちゃと生麩の味噌マヨ
#生麩 #青もみじ #よもぎ麩
#味噌マヨ #MeatFreeMonday

Three weeks ago, I had made your 生麩入りのクリームチーズポテトサラダ. Then I found the other pumpkin one among your works in the past.

So I tried this, too. I used よもぎ麩, presumed the same one as yours, cut it out into green maple leaves.

I added some mustard paste, it gave a little bit of kick to the sweetness of pumpkin.

The color contrast was gorgeous, and I enjoyed the texture so much.

I love both 生麩 potato salad and pumpkin one!

Thank you for showing me the beautiful dishes. You're always so reliable and you are the best!
Hi Izoom San!
It's very beautiful,awesome job!
Yes,it all started from a dish I ate at an obansai restaurant in Kyoto,the pumpkin salad with a 生麩 was so memorable I had to try making at home!
The contrasting textures made it so fun to eat!
You also used よもぎ麩,and in maple leave shape too,so lovely,you have a beautiful scene here!
I am sure it's delicious too!
Thank you,you never fail to amaze me with your dishes!
izoom から rick chan
Good evening, Rick!
Thank you for coming so soon!
And I'm so happy you like my dish.🤗

Come to think of it, green maple is a motif of early summer in 和菓子 world. You may know, I'm a 和菓子 lover.😍

Thank you again for the kind words. I am greatly honored!
もぐもぐ! (102)
リスナップ (29)