Mix flour, sugar and walnuts in a bowl. Cut cold butter in small pieces, add to the mixture with one egg.
Mix with fork then knead with hands well and make a compact round dough. If the dough is too sticky add some extra flour, if too soft leave in the fridge for 20min or so.
Take part of dough spread it with rolling pin on the surface with uchiko, around 0.5cm thick. Cut pieces with knife in stripe around 1.5cm wide and then around 8cm long.
Take every stripe and roll it with hands making halfmoon shape and then place it in tray (where you spread cooking sheet).
Bake at 180C for 15min in preheated oven. Kiflice should stay white.
When cooled down, put powder sugar mixed with vanilla sugar in one bowl. Coat every kiflica with sugar mix thoroughly.
Place in the fridge for at least half and hour. Kiflice can stay in the fridge for up to one week.