• お気に入り
  • 37もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2012/05/28
  • 1,178

ジャージャーサラダうどん ♡ 娘と私用…

みんなの投稿 (25)
奥の二つが娘用…私は生唐辛子を沢山入れて食べました♡ まだピリピリする…
To: Tayuko ジャージャー麺いいね!!
To: eim153 辛くし過ぎて大変だったょ…辛部…副部長に立候補して張り切り過ぎた♡ ひき肉はお財布にも優しいょね…‼
To: Tayuko かなり張り切ってるねwww
To: eim153 水曜日みえち行くよー♡今ノブちゃん帰宅…。聞いてみたらOK
To: Tayuko あれ?ゆうちゃんちでニンジン食べる気だったwww
To: eim153 あたし生地買いに行きたいのょー‼
To: Tayuko そうだった!!
9時半から面接だからちゃちゃっと終わらせてくる( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
To: eim153 うん♡ 繊維街でウロウロしてるわー‼ 終わったら電話して♡
To: Tayuko 了解!

To: eim153 外でもいーよ♡
To: Tayuko じゃあ何か美味しいものでもたまには食べに行きますか?!
To: eim153 いいょー♡スナップ撮影するか…♡
To: Tayuko んじゃ店を探そう♡
スイス料理の店とかあったような♪(´ε` )
To: eim153 いいね♡前に谷中のロシア料理に行ったょ
To: Tayuko スイスはチーズ、ロシアはボルシチ……悩みどころじゃんw
Good idea this one,have to try sometime,but the green chilies we have here are quite hot.And you are making use of these glass bowls that you got the other day,aren't you?They are gorgeous!
To: rikk thank youuuuuuu!!!!!!
I'm felling so happy today (drank).
I used string beans, cucumber, sprouts, and okura in my noodle. Maybe the one you've seen as pepper might be the okura, although I used lots of hot pepper after I took my photo!!!
Yes, those bowls!!!!! I love flea market(^_-)♡
To: Tayuko
I looked at the picture and thought they were okura,but I read the comments and saw 唐辛子,than I thought they were 万願寺唐辛子...
To: rikk I have obsession to hot spices♡ and talked about I put so much hot sauce on my udon today! I'm so surprised that you know 万願寺唐辛子‼ how do you know so much about Japanese food??? And amazing that you could read it it and English.
Just been crazy passionate about food.I read,I travel and I eat,been to Japan 20+ times,while others shop in harajuku,I spend my time in合羽橋道具街shopping for cooking utensils,also in bookstores buying Japanese cookbooks,not good enough to understand every word,
but eventually I think I have covered 80% of food names in Japanese.My heart is always in Kyoto,of course I know a little about the cuisine and the famous vegetables. But my friends think I am crazy...
でも、とっても美味しそう( ♡ᴗ♡ )
To: rikk I know that passion!!!
Where ever I go, I like to check out craft stores, fabric stores etc.....
Getting all kinds of materials are so much fun for me!!!
I also love to eat eat eat ♡
もぐもぐ! (37)