• お気に入り
  • 13もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2015/06/02
  • 232

homemade tacos

みんなの投稿 (19)
Buenísimos los tacos !!!'👍😊
CHUENCHAI から noe rodriguez
muchas gracias cocinero, me encanta tacos🙏😀😀😀😀
noe rodriguez から CHUENCHAI
Ya veo que sí !!!
Where u from ?
CHUENCHAI から noe rodriguez
Bahia, Brazil but moved to Pennsylvania @6
noe rodriguez から CHUENCHAI
I'm Mexican but I living in NYC
CHUENCHAI から noe rodriguez
very cool,I studied at the International Culinary institute in NYC back in 98'. Mexico has such a beautiful culture and some of the best cuisine !
noe rodriguez から CHUENCHAI
that good !!! if in mexico we have much variety of food in every state and different cultures
CHUENCHAI から noe rodriguez
yes I know,have been there many times,I love the street food
noe rodriguez から CHUENCHAI
Yes the street food is the most tasty and inexpensive
Los tacos, tortas, gorditas,las flautas de pollo, las quesadillas de flor de calabaza that's all very delicious !! I'm hungry just thinking at all that food
CHUENCHAI から noe rodriguez
me too but I have flu now so I cant😭
noe rodriguez から CHUENCHAI
so bad !!! you have to see a doctor to get better
CHUENCHAI から noe rodriguez
i will😷😀
Where you work ?
CHUENCHAI から noe rodriguez
I sold my two restaurants and now I just relax and enjoy life,I cater friends and family special events every now and then.
noe rodriguez から CHUENCHAI
Nice!!! enjoy your life pretty girl 😊
CHUENCHAI から noe rodriguez
thank you, handsome man!
noe rodriguez から CHUENCHAI
I see you have many very beautiful plates 😊
CHUENCHAI から noe rodriguez
thank you,I your dish and plating
noe rodriguez から CHUENCHAI
this is my phone number 3474307319 if you want to send text messages.
if you do not want I understand 😊
もぐもぐ! (13)