Take a big Bowling and add the 12 big spoons flour and stir with the salt. In the middle of it make a howl. There crack the egg in. Then whisk from the middle in circles from Inside to outside and take each time only a little ofthe flour. Pour little by little the milk in the middle while whisking. At the end you should have no clumps.
No the dough should rest for 30-40 minutes. Lay a warm wet towel on it.
preheat the oven on 80 degrees.
make the beef mushrooms filling:
slice all the ingredients (garlic, onion, pepper, mushrooms) in little pieces.
First grill the meat in a preheated pan with a little oil or butter step by step and put it aside on a plate.
Then take the same pan and fry the mushrooms, then the onions, peppers and the garlic. Add some dried parsley, dried rosemary pouder, dried pepper pouder, salt and a good spoon flour. Stir good, everything is together. Add a little bouillon, Bratensauce or wine. Let it cook a little. Then Reduce the heat on minimum a spoon Mascarpone and some milk or cream and let it simmer.
Now you can prepare the plates (Let warm in a oven for 5 minutes by 80 degrees). And now do the omelets.
If one is finish put them to warmening in the oven.
bake the crèpes:
preheata pan on middle high. Put a little butter in it. Go higher in temperature. Whisk the dough again and fill it in the warm butter. Let it stock and softly go around the crèpe with a spatula. It should Llift a little. After 2-3 minutes everything is stocked and you can turn it on the other side. Let it bake for another inute.
If you put the half from the dough away and add some sugar and ohne, you will have a sweet crèpes.