• お気に入り
  • 186もぐもぐ!
  • 37リスナップ
  • 2016/12/01
  • 3,400


みんなの投稿 (8)
I was craving for clay pot 菜飯,but I wanted something a little more special to go with it,then I thought of Rizmu's salmon soboro that she had with onigiri,I had a good feeling that it would go well with Chinese 菜飯 (with 青梗菜)too!
Hi Rizmu,not natto,but still a surprise,isn't it?I love all soboro, beef , pork, chicken...every time I make extra and keep in freezer,it's very convenient food for me.But I never know we could make with 鮭,I was very interested when I saw yours.I wanted to make onigiri too,but last night I felt very much having this Chinese 土鍋青梗菜飯,so I had 鮭そぼろ with it instead.They are different cuisines but they totally match!
Thank you my foodie friend,for this recommendation,the recipe is very good,so easy using microwave 電子レンジ too.I also added white ねぎ for extra aroma too!
name_undef から rick chan
Hmm? (笑)fluffy .... まちがえてるよね?(笑)

→That's wonderful!!✨🙏
Hi good afternoon Rizmu!You are welcome!
Sorry a little late for replying,I had a few things to do this morning.
It really is good suggestion making salmon soboro,from now on,I have one more type of soboro I could eat,there are many things suitable with it,I big love onigiri too,will try that next time!Thank you for great idea!
My meat soboro always has dashi and negi,so I thought I should use them with salmon soboro too.My salmon is plain(not salted)one,so I added a 和風だし塩from 芧乃舍,it's a good standby,quick seasoning!
Thanks for the compliment on 菜飯,I love it in winter time!It'a a little more work than rice cooker,but I feel good having 土鍋ご飯!
Last night I wanted to post earlier too,but SD is not working properly,so I waited until late,sorry kept you waiting,but you woke up early in the morning,tough work being a mother,anyway please take care.
No worries about coming late,only reply me when you are absolutely free,and if it's too much trouble to write English,please use Japanese,it will be ok!You are so thoughtful!But I don't know how you translate,sometimes I am a little surprised how good your English is,and getting better and better!!
You are right,fluffy rice it is,this time I used short grain Vietnamese rice,it's fluffy,unlike Japanese sticky rice.I like both,depends on what I am making!👍🏻
Rick (*´∇`)❤
和風だし塩かぁ♪それで鮭そぼろつくったのねー♪土鍋で炊くごはんはおいしいだろうね!まえにこのSD で土鍋でごはんをいつも炊いてる方がいらして、、わたしもやろうとおもってるんだけど、まだできてません…⤵

あー、昨日はSD うまく機能してなかったですね😣皆さんの見たりコメントいれたりするのに苦労しました💧


英語は、なんとなくしかわかりません。でもRick と会話することで少し分かることも増えてきました。また英語がんばります!✨
Hi Rizmu!
That's right芧乃舎is full of amazing products,every time I go to Japan,I bring many things back!Wafu dashi salt was recommended by a friend,since then I always use it!
I see,you sleep little.....
I totally understand being a housewife is not an easy job,you have to take care of them at different times,and husband works late too,it's the nature of working man,and he is doing it for the family,I respect that,please keep up the good job and treat him well!
I have very normal hours now,I usually post late after I finish other things,and I sleep right after,from around 1 to 7,good enough...
Anyway,thank you for the message,good night,rest well!
Hi rick! Nice to meet you ✨

Thank you for following me back!
It made me surprised ‼️
I'm so happy 😍

I'm always looking forward to seeing your dishes,because they were very artistic and creative a lot!

I'm not good in English and just don't have the heart to comment you.

I'm so sorry if I wrote something wrong😓

I also love 茅乃舎 and Rizmu dishes 💕💕

Next time I will write in Japanese 😅

Thank you ✨
rick chan から カンカン
Hi カンカン San!Nice to meet you,thank you for following,it was easy decision for me to follow back,you have always supported me!Me too,I look forward seeing your dishes,they all look delicious,you have great skill!
No worries,you English is very good,easy to understand,please write me in any language you want,I appreciate your comments!
I am a big fan of Rizmu too!And many high quality products at 芧乃舍,very helpful when I have less time to cook!
See you around!
もぐもぐ! (186)
リスナップ (37)