Corn dough: In a bowl dissolve the salt, butter in the water. Then, add the corn flour little by little. Make a compact soft dough. Take small portions make them as small balls (a bit bigger than an egg).
Then on top of a piece of plastic make the small dough flat until you get a thin disk. Distribute the filling in one of the sides, fold the disk in two.
With a help of a plate or cup close tight. Then take the access of dough out. Fry them in sufficient oil at 170C until they are golden in both sides. Put them on top of kitchen paper to absorb the excess of oil and serve.
Meat Filling: In a pot you put the oil, add the garlic,then heat the oil, add onion, cook for 5min, add paprika and ground pork, and all the ingredients and simmer for 20min. Lower the heat, cover and cook for 10 to 15min more, until it dries a bit. Allowed to cool before filling the pies.