Also frisée and mint. My favorite way preparing squid,chargrilled.Blueberries is something I rarely use in salad,or any savory dish,I think I should from now on!
Thank you Makiko! I found this small size pineapple at a Vietnamese store,easy to get fresh one here,I scored those tiny hard bits on the skin out,then sliced it and it became like this,wasn't the intention,but it came out quite beautiful.It's new for me to add blueberries in a seafood salad,but it works!
Thank you,it's more work cutting out pineapple skin like this,but this way I don't waste food.The holes are already in the pineapple,may be the characteristic of this type of pineapple!I love fruits,I always feature them in my dishes,especially seafood ones,so glad you like this too!
Pineapple jam,that's good idea!I also like to make jam,especially with tropical fruits,those are difficult to find in shops. I am thinking of making pineapple curd,パイナップルカード,I never tried,but I think it should be good...
My favorite way preparing squid,chargrilled.Blueberries is something I rarely use in salad,or any savory dish,I think I should from now on!
I found this small size pineapple at a Vietnamese store,easy to get fresh one here,I scored those tiny hard bits on the skin out,then sliced it and it became like this,wasn't the intention,but it came out quite beautiful.It's new for me to add blueberries in a seafood salad,but it works!
切ったとき このような 穴が 空いていたことを 思い出しました。
しかし、そのパイナップルは とても固く 甘味も少なかった為 ジャムを作りました。
サラダにすると いいのですね!
I am thinking of making pineapple curd,パイナップルカード,I never tried,but I think it should be good...
楽しみに しています😌✨