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  • 249もぐもぐ!
  • 19リスナップ
  • 2013/12/15
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焗豬扒飯/baked pork chop rice ,Hong Kong Style.

醬汁我是用tomato passata 做的,也可用番茄膏,其他配料有洋蔥,蒜泥,鷄湯,鹽,糖,新鮮蕃茄,菌類(自己喜歡的便可),我是用奶油麵糊(roux)令醬汁稠厚一點的,Apple San 有其他的方法也可。做好醬汁放在飯上,用較高溫烤箱烤至焦香便可。
みんなの投稿 (12)
Apple San asked me to do a Hong Kong Style pork chop dish,here is one I'm more familiar with.
Apple San:希望你喜歡,食譜稍後會補上的。
yummy !!!

thank you for re-snap :D
哇~Rick 謝謝你🎉看起來好好吃哦😍等你有時間再把做法寫上,我一定要做!
better than Cafe de Coral in HK! U r genius!
rick chan から miyako
You are welcome,your dishes always look delicious,thank you for the resnaps too,appreciate this!
rick chan から apple
Apple San,謝謝欣賞了!做法已補上,請試試做。雖然說得不太詳細,相信你會看得懂的,不明白的地方,請隨時問我!
不是最熟悉的菜式,只能靠點想像力,再周圍打聽一下,便出了這個,風味不錯的,Apple San 若果有更好的提議,歡迎提供!
rick chan から PeonyYan
Thank you,you are too kind!Not familiar with this at all,it turned out alright, but still trying to perfect it!
apple から rick chan
rick 謝謝你🎉明後天找時間就來做!
Wow! large serving!Looks so powerful😍🎶
Is this stewed cooking with pork chop? Really tasty looks!
I have high opinion of apple san's pork dishes,but I'm more big fan of your pork dishes too!
I want to give two of big name a big round of applause.😊👏💕
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you,Yukari San,and all the resnaps too!That's right,it's power food and I made too much!
Apple San was craving for Hong Kong style pork chop and asked me to teach her a dish,I hardly know any but this one I know a little.A popular rice dish served at many places,it's like a ドリア,bottom layer is
ried rice with egg,then pork chop with simple marinade,dip in egg and sauté,then a tomato sauce,and baked.With this combo,it'll be easily delicious,mine wasn't perfect but not bad!And I trust Apple San will turn out a great one,she has amazing skill!
もぐもぐ! (249)
リスナップ (19)