• お気に入り
  • 12もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2013/09/16
  • 357

My favorite food's tosai tissue

みんなの投稿 (10)

My favorite food 's tosai.
I often ate when I lived in Malaysia Cyberjaya.
1derful から きょん
I'm from Malaysia! (^-^)v And thank you for liking my picture ~♪(*^^*)
きょん から 1derful
Oh really!!!? Where are you from kind of Malaysia???
1derful から きょん
Kuala lumpur (*^^*) did you go to Malaysia on a holiday?
きょん から 1derful
oh good!!!! i wanna go to Malaysia again!!!!
1derful から きょん
Me too! q(^-^q) By the way, your English is good!
きょん から 1derful
Really???? It makes me happy :) Terima kasih**
1derful から きょん
Sama-sama~♪(*^^*) I hope we can be good friends! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu ☆
きょん から 1derful
Me too!!!! yoroshiku onegaishimasu ;)
Roti tissue, I miss it....
もぐもぐ! (12)