Unfrozen filo sheets the night before in the fridge. Preheat the oven to 200C. Grease the oven tray with little bit of oil. Take cherries out of fridge (do not unfrozen it) mix with griz and sugar.
Mix oil and sparkling water in the separate bowl. Depending on how many filo sheets you have separate them in three. It is usually 4-5sheets per one roll.
Spread one sheets, grease it with oil-water mixture and spread a little bit on sugar. Repeat the process with remaining 3-4 sheets.
On wider part of the sheet put one third of the cherry mixture on the edges evenly, then roll it up and place in the baking tray. Repeat the process with remaining sheets making two more rolls and put them in the baking tray.
Spread the oil-water mixture on top of rolls and pour all remaining mixture onto the rolls. Using fork make holes from the top to the bottom of every roll and sprinkle some sugar(分量外) on the top.
Bake on 200C for 30min until golden brown. Put a dry cloth on the top and cool down. Cut, sprinkle with powder sugar and serve.