• お気に入り
  • 212もぐもぐ!
  • 27リスナップ
  • 2016/04/20
  • 2,680


みんなの投稿 (5)
One of my favorite sushi,and what I miss most when I am away from Kyoto.
There is no good quality fresh saba here,the ones we have are only good for
grilling.Wrapping one of them with おぼろ昆布 for variation.
Have to thank Makiko for one more time!
Saba sushi, and Yaki saba sushi, both are my favorite sushi!
Grilled saba is more aromatic and mild, I love it.
You use おぼろ昆布, it's very nice idea. It's more soft than standard 昆布, and a little solty, it's good for sushi!
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you Makiko!
I could just fly over for saba sushi!This could only be second best without fresh saba,but I am happy enough,grilled dabs is indeed more aromatic,and oboro konbu makes a nice touch too,I wonder if any place make it like this.
I was not familiar with oboro konbu before,thanks to you,I am exploring more about traditional Japanese food!
Try many Saba sushi,いづ重(いづうis the same,no?)is still my fav,I love it's tight flesh and perfect seasoning.I know you are familiar with this area,you have any recommendation?
You are right about most saba sushis tasting the same,but the level of いづ重 is well above the rest,trust me,and it's not expensive compared to some.
I am not familiar with バッテラ,have to try sometime!
もぐもぐ! (212)
リスナップ (27)