• お気に入り
  • 215もぐもぐ!
  • 29リスナップ
  • 2014/11/08
  • 1,673


みんなの投稿 (6)
Just a Cantonese family dish,nothing special,only quite rare using a fillet instead of whole fish(but I hate bones!),and even rarer using salmon,which we regard as a western fish.This is my own black bean sauce,using black bean, tobanjan, shallot,garlic, ginger, oyster sauce and dried mandarin peel(
Actually this dish grasped my heart badly!
I think 豆豉 is excellent seasoning in the world.It make dishes more interesting or flavorful. I love to use it for my dishes too.but Sadly we Japanese don't have 豆豉,so I've only few recipe..... I was glad to know your own 豆豉sauce! I really liked you added 陳皮
in this!
Likely this sauce can use for other dishes widely! I will! Thank you for showing me unique idea.love it!
rick chan から ゆかり
You are welcome!
That's why I admire you so much,and I know I'm talking to the right person!豆豉醬is just a common household thing in here,but It's kind of my trick to add 陳皮 in it,I love 陳皮 more since I'm getting older,and you spotted it,awesome!I love 陳皮 more since I'm getting older,I want to include
t as much as possible.So you mean you don't use 豆豉 in Japanese dishes,or you couldn't find 豆 豉in Japan?If you need some from here,that's easy for me!
もぐもぐ! (215)
リスナップ (29)