I had fresh wasabi gift from friend,so I made this,I thought wasabi would go well with seafood cream sauce!I like it very much,thank you for the comment!
Thank you so much! Haha,I guess the food I make tells my age,very adult!! I was craving for some baked pasta and I have fresh wasabi in the fridge,so I made this.I am a little surprised though,I thought wasabi cream is not exactly new for you Japanese,your people are so good at incorporating Japanese ingredients in western dishes,I am sure this had been done before!
Thank you May San,you are too kind,I am just a home cook and absolutely would not think twice when buying useful cooking utensils.I travel to Japan often,and I got this small one there.There is nothing like freshly grated wasabi! Too high price here,this one was a gift brought back from 伊豆!
Thank you! No plan to start a catering career yet,very tough work indeed... Isn't this is what using SD all about,making friends with people who love to cook?
どんなんやろう〜♡ 興味津々♡
Haha,I guess the food I make tells my age,very adult!!
I was craving for some baked pasta and I have fresh wasabi in the fridge,so I made this.I am a little surprised though,I thought wasabi cream is not exactly new for you Japanese,your people are so good at incorporating Japanese ingredients in western dishes,I am sure this had been done before!
You must be a professional!
Too high price here,this one was a gift brought back from 伊豆!
No plan to start a catering career yet,very tough work indeed...
Isn't this is what using SD all about,making friends with people who love to cook?