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  • 2015/02/21
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Turnip cake蘿蔔糕/大根餅,sliced up and pan fried

みんなの投稿 (14)
This one I am showing it sliced up and ready to eat.
While it's perfectly ok to eat right after it is steamed,many people like it pan fried,with the usual condiment of chili sauce.I don't like hot sauces,and one early morning while I was still in bed,this idea came up,serving it with 大根おろし,this wa
way it could cut out some of the fattiness from the Chinese sausages,and I get double daikon flavours!
フライパンで焼くのが主流だと思っていたのですが、スチームなんですね? もっちりして美味しそう♡

rick chan から 麻紀子
I enjoyed this combination too,two different texture and taste of daikon together working really well,I prefer it more than all the heavy sauces!The last photo I show you was right after they are steamed,we could eat it just like that,but pan frying seems to be more mainstream,that's why I am showin
showing you with this!
Haha,I saw Ivy's post too,she really likes my mum's turnip cake,so much that she has to keep posting it,after the one from last year!I suggest her to learn making it,but she doesn't want to...
There is beautiful 超記😍👆
See u soon!
it's very new way to eat turnip cake! Somehow I can imagine why you were craving to eat with more plain taste...😁And I am strongly in favour of your idea! I like usual sauce for turnip cake too,but sometimes it lies heavy on the stomach. I know 大根おろし brings refreshing taste,I think I can eat it that
that no matter how many!
If I made turnip cake with your mum's recipe,I'll eat with this way! I liked this sounds 'double turnip' above all😋🎶
Wow...You picked beautiful tea cup and plate in there✨✨ Authentic Chinese foods serving with domestic ceramics!! it's my ideal😍👍💕 Your table arrangement is a
is a good example for me! Thank you for uploading beautiful meaningful photo!
Long time no see you, I'm craving your 蘿蔔糕 right now.
rick chan から ゆかり
Yes,you get my idea!Sometimes it's too oily and heavy,so I thought of this to make it more refreshing,daikon with daikon,and still you could taste them individually!Please try this or if you like spicy things,an orangey chili sauce called '余均益'辣椒醬,it's slightly tart,many people love it,also good wit
with 腸粉 !
Thanks,but compared to yours,this can't be called table setting!😁You know I really don't decorate specially for new year,I just throw some festive looking things to crest some mood for these photos !
You recognize these from 超記!These were the only items I bought,I thought I might as well g
get something while I was there!
rick chan から Yuka Nakata
Long time no see,nice to hear from you,these are very special greeting in Chinese,you are good!
Glad you like 蘿蔔糕,I am sure you are familiar with this new year treat,this one made by my mother,it 's not bad!
もぐもぐ! (264)
リスナップ (43)