• お気に入り
  • 228もぐもぐ!
  • 40リスナップ
  • 2016/02/06
  • 2,315


みんなの投稿 (5)
The ultimate winter comfort food from France,this version consists of white beans,duck confit(home made),pork belly,garlic sausages...
I love to eat this kind of local dishes especially something hot like casseroles. Usually when I eat,I feel not just only the pleasant taste but also its warmth is like what my mom made.
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you Makiko!You are right,this one comes from Toulouse,it does take a long time to make,but it's a real treat!
This time I used sou vide method to make duck confit,time consuming,but no need to watch over,and very good result!
Most authentic is to use a ceramic utensil to cook,but I don't have one,so I guess cast iron pot should be good enough!
rick chan から レイ
Can't agree with you more,this kind of rustic dish always reminds us our childhood,and the meals spend with family.Although my mum never cook French food,but I could relate the feeling with similar style!
So glad you like this one!
もぐもぐ! (228)
リスナップ (40)