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  • 2013/04/15
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Bellflower さんの焼き鯖すし,special mention to Yamako45さんtoo

みんなの投稿 (32)
Saw this here at SD,but just can't remember whose profile from,so if this is your dish,please let me know and I'll thank you!
Thank you for all the resnaps!
Looks like a real sushi restaurant's dish! You are very artful ;-)
That's bellflower's recipe. Really good taste😊
Oh! How did you cut sushi? Beautiful!
I made the recipe of bellflower's!It was really delicious!!It's made of you is also a very delicious✨
To: noborionapple 謝謝了,又便宜又好吃的壽司!
To: kaochin04 you are welcome and thank you too,really not too difficult,sure you could do with your skill!You've been to Hong Kong?I saw your profile photo!
To: ririkahime thank you for telling me,I'll thank her.I don't have much skill of doing sushi,just use clean sharp sushi knife and do it in one go,wetting the knife with little water helps too!
To: ririkahime thanks for the compliment too,you are very kind!
To: yamako45 that's right,I must have saw yours first,thank you!I made a soy glaze to brush on the top too,it was very delicious!Thank you for resnap too!
( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
To: rikk
Mackerel is one of the favorite foods,so I'll give it a try next time!
Oh Hong-Kong?
Actually I went there last year.
there're so many nice restaurants ,aren't you :-)?
To: tibitaityou 隊長さん,thank you so much,for resnap too,glad you like this!
To: kaochin04 I love mackerel too,delicious and healthy food!Please give it a try!Nice to hear you like Hong Kong,Chinese food is very good,but for the rest,I think you are in a much better place,by far!By the way,it's a very pretty HK photograph!
To: Ory thank you so much for your compliment,have to thanks the girls too!
How great!!
It's so amazing that you are always perfectly reproducing with your own color👏✨✨✨
Looks so delicious,
Exquisite browned 鯖 makes me got hungry😁🎵🎵

To: romie ,you are right,I find myself thinking about food a lot,,what to eat,where to eat,how to cook better......,may be a little to much...😊,yes,saw the girls did this and really want to try,been a long time I made a sushi roll,but it was fun,grill the mackerel first,and before serving,I brushed
To: romie a sweet soy glaze on top to make it shiny and beautiful,taste good too!Many thanks for your kind words,as always,resnap too!
To: 0614yuki thank you,you are too kind,very happy to hear that!
To: 0614yuki thank you for resnap too!
To: bronzebee thank you,it's a very good idea,I will make this again too!Thank you for resnsp!
Ahhh....I overlooked your posts.
It's my favorite! I know this takes skill, to rolling or cut into pieces.
It's perfect👏👏
Seems like professional made✨
素晴らしい!amazing! 非常好!
To: yukaringg oh thank you so very much!!I love sushi and used to make s lot of sushi rolls a few years ago,I haven't done any for a long time until I saw this,so delicious looking that I must try,really need to thank those girls!I hardly have any proper skill and I understand how tough the job is,I
To: yukaringg have lots of respect for sushi chefs!!Thanks for resnap too!
To: bellflower thank you so much,it was so delicious,I really enjoyed this,thanks for resnap too!
What a beautiful...😍
To: makooo thank you,and really good to eat too,also fun to make sushi roll,have to thanks the girls for the inspiration!
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