• お気に入り
  • 58もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2013/01/19
  • 428

kangさんの♡トマトの花かご♡ (Tomato cup salad like a flower basket)

みんなの投稿 (38)
メッチャ可愛い〜ね⁽⁽◞(˃◟̵◞̵˂⁎=͟͟͞͞ ⁎˃◟̵◞̵˂)◟⁾⁾·∗✩⃛
可愛いです♡籠に付けたお花もキュート꒰ ♡´∀`♡ ꒱
To: mushroOmcafe
ขอบคุณค่ะ,aom:) It's for you~ Could you put the qinggengcai rose in this basket? haha!
To: hirorin0120
To: kang
To: mushroOmcafe
Thank you for your 'Resnap (Republish)'!! :D
To: benio
To: mushroOmcafe
こんにちは、aom(^O^)/ I had a good time with you (in my dream),too ;-) It's hard to stay on a diet for us...:3 haha
I did housework and went shopping for dinner today~ Have you had a good time with your friend??:)
To: mushroOmcafe
Yeah, let's eat more and more!!^O^ LOL That's good! Is your friend Sailor Jupiter, isn't she?:D haha~
I'll cook spaghetti for dinner. It's easy cooking~because I'm alone in my home tonight. Do you like spaghetti? :D
To: aya0522maru Yeah!! Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mars come and visit me at home.~ Why you know??? Hahaha!! Oh , Baby I like spaghetti and all kind of food. LoL Ahhh.. Why you alone? You not alone because I hide in your closet. :p
To: mushroOmcafe
Because I'd hidden in your closet, too~!! haha;-)
My husband run away from home~ LoL! just kidding, he is working~.
Do you live by yourself? or with your family?:)
To: aya0522maru LoL !! funny girl~ I live by myself with greedy cat. =W=
To: mushroOmcafe
Cat!!\(^o^)/♡♡♡ I love cats and dogs♡ What's name?:D
To: aya0522maru The girl name is Punpun( 7 years old). The boy name is Pepo(6 years old). They are Persian cat and love to eat sweet corn and snack.Meoww~ Do you have a pet? What's her/his name?
To: mushroOmcafe
Punpun and Pepo\(^o^)/What a cute name!♡ I want to give them snacks a lot~:3 I don't have any pets now. But I had a naughty dog at my family home. He is Chappy:3 Bow-Wow~
To: aya0522maru My cats are so greedy that when you offer them some snack they will run immediately to you.LoL~ Nice to meet you,Chappy Bow-Wowwww haha I like this!!
To: mushroOmcafe
Wow…it's cute!!\(^o^)/They love eating very much, (resemble them owner~)…Oops! ;p LoL
(U ・(ェ)・)Bow-Wow(=Nice to meet you,too)
To: aya0522maru LoL~that's right,Baby . I'm really sorry Chappy,I think your boss is cute more than you ~ Haha!! What time are you gonna sleep tonight? ,Kettle
To: mushroOmcafe
(U ó(ェ)ò)Bow-Wowww…(=Oh no…I'm sure that I'm cuter than my boss…) ←Chappy hates to lose~ haha(^^) Oh I guess I should get to bed now >_< Nice chatting with you,thanks!
To: mushroOmcafe
(=^ ΦωΦ)meow~(=Good night, my boss)
To: aya0522maru I'm so happy, thanks ,too. Have a sweet dream นอนหลับฝันดีนะ, กาน้ำของฉัน ~
To: aya0522maru Boww-Wowww hahaha~
To: mushroOmcafe
(=^ ΦωΦ) {Good morning, aom! I'm
so hungry, I want to eat sweet corns!! Meow~)LoL
To: aya0522maru Hahahaha!! Please wait Meowwww~,Kettle. I will boil sweet corn for your order!! =w= Good morning,Aya. And what time did you wake up? ~
To: mushroOmcafe
ummm~sweet corn:3 yumm~:3LoL
I woke up at about 7:30,but I didn't get out of bed until 8:30…(。-_-。)
How about you?:)
To: aya0522maru LoL!! That's right. It hard to get out of bed~ I woke up at 8 o'clock everyday for prepare food,feed my cat,check mail,water the plants,cleaning my house,and eat(happy time!!) Hahaha:>
To: mushroOmcafe
That sounds good:) You're domestic, so you'll be a nice wife, I think:D
and Do you have a home-based business?? I'm just guessing that you're a photographer~
To: aya0522maru Oh!baby~ I don't think about marriage. LoL Yes,My house is home-base business.You're right!! But I'm a freelance engineering drawing .=> and like photography~ Do you like Photography? Meowww
To: mushroOmcafe
Wooooow!!!:O great!! You have various abilities!! and you're so attractive, I think:) What type of picture do you draw? As the BreadStory's logo?
I like photography, too:D But I take photos with just my iPhone~ haha!
To: aya0522maru Thanks so much,you are very kind~ I drawing home and design garden on program CAD :D but logo Breadstory in made on photoshop. Haha ~That my hobby //^^\\ What do you like doing in your spare time? Sorry for late reply ,baby. I went to buy some rice ~
To: aya0522maru oh!! Sorry i'm wrong again:( " logo Breadstory I made on photoshop"
To: mushroOmcafe
Don't worry about it:D and I'm sorry for my delayed reply>< I've heard of 'CAD':) It seems difficult…!! You're creative and have very good taste, I think\(^o^)/ I'm interested in sewing, reading novels, color and Yoga (except for cooking) :D
To: aya0522maru That's not true,Kettle.I think you have a good cooking skill~ Woww!! You're so sweet (sewing) I am not good at knitting or stuff like that,every time I try to do it I'll get the pain. LoL
To: mushroOmcafe
Thank you for your kindness:) I love cooking, too(^^) I wanted to say ' I'm interested in sewing,~~~ and of course cooking!' Sorry, I took a mistake in English:'(
I use my sewing machine~~not
handstitch:p haha
To: aya0522maru Don't worry~ Ok,it's time to take a rest.Sleep tight and take care,Aya~ =^^=
To: mushroOmcafe
Thanks, aom:) Have a good night's sleep. (*˘︶˘*).。.:*☆
もぐもぐ! (58)