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  • 2014/07/11
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Pan roast tuna,marinaded daikon,seaweed salad,shiso sprout

みんなの投稿 (17)
Daikon marinaded with vinegar, sugar,and 柚子茶,always trying to utilize everything already at home.
ツナのグリル、モルディブでもメイン料理としてメジャーみたいです。厚切りでふっくらして美味しいですよね。大根の付け合わせで和風なのはリックさんらしいアレンジですね( ´ ▽ ` )
Hi Rick
How are you doing?
I'm okay.
A lots of mogmog thank-u so
I likes roast tuna. yum-yum.
daikon salad with shiso sprout
I wanna eat that staff.
loves marinaed.
Take easy. Always i'm watching
your dishes.
I'm gonna trying to cook more.
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you Makiko San!So tuna is served at Maldives too,I am sure there are many delicious fishes there to eat!I rarely eat tuna like this,I always have them raw or from a can.I needed to do something different,this Japanese inspired combination turned out very good!
rick chan から ☆Yumi☆
Hi Yumi,I am very grateful you left me very nice comment,thank you for looking at my dishes too!I rarely eat cooked tuna like this,but it turned out to be delicious,with lots if flavours going on,it was quick to make everything too!
I see you enjoy cooking very much,please keep up the good work!
Divine! I always respect that you cherish ingredients.
I also enjoying cooking with available at home,but mine turn out strange dishes😵💦
Your original dishes are always perfect with well balanced seasoning! Love this wafu seasoning too.I think you have an innate taste for cooking.and you've good ton
good tongue! (I remember you guessed ingredients right when we had dinner at restaurant..I was surprised!😵👏✨)
Well,I mean..I love your cooking whatever you make😊😁🎶
rick chan から ゆかり
Oh thanks,you are too kind!
Yes,as you know,I hate to waste food(you remember I ate up all your leftover?),and it's hard for me as I always eat alone,and also like to eat different cuisine,so you could imagine all the stuffs that I bought,if I don't find way to utilize them,they will just go to wast
waste.This dish works really well,I am especially happy with marinaded daikon,I know you prefer 浅漬,I have one more dish using this marinaded coming up!
No way,I am sure you always create great dishes with what you have at home,you have good tongue too,everywhere you picked for me was perfect!
Thank you again,I appreciate it!
ゆかり から rick chan
I wonder what you make with 浅漬け on your next..I'm look forward to see it!Please forgive my bad manner,
I couldn't ate all,I ended up let you ate too much.I'll get rid of that bad habit...😣🙏💦
have a nice holiday✨✨
rick chan から ゆかり
That's not a problem,but I have said,I enjoy eating with people that always has good appetite,I am amazed you could finish most of the things we ordered,and we ordered too much sometimes!And don't worry,I am capable of eating what others couldn't finish!
What a beautiful dish!!
I was fascinated by its serving..
the daikon is transparent n clear,beautiful!using 柚子茶!!that sounds good choice,I like it too♪
I want to try the pan roast tuna like this next time!!
I'm coming up now with using balsabico sauce😋don't you think it also goes with?♪
Thank you so much,Romi!
This one made with many things that sitting in the fridge for so long.It's so expensive to get fresh yuzu here,so I thought of that bottle of 柚子茶,and tried it with the daikon,it turned out good enough!And as got tuna,I rarely eat tuna like this(only slightly rare inside),but
rick chan から romie
want to make a different protein here,luckily went well with everything else in this dish, I totally enjoyed it!I dressed the seaweed salad with a soy sauce dressing,but balsamic sounds great too,please go ahead and try it sometime!

rick chan から marimari
Thank you so much,you are too kind!
It gives my the greatest pleasure to talk with you,I also appreciate you spend an evening with us even you were busy,I hope we could do this again soon,I keep dreaming about that day too!
もぐもぐ! (291)
リスナップ (37)