this is simple cooking. it is very safety because we don't need fire. it need oven only. recipe is follow 1.mix these thing a.ginger some a little b.garlic some a little c. soysource spoon 3times d. alcohols spoon 2times 2. mixed source into chicken and wait over for an hour 3. mixed katakuriko and put oven plate 4. pour a oil 5. into to oven for 250℃ for 30minitues 6. decorate this chicken 7. it's a enjoy time with beer. it's a very simple and safety. so I recommend you make.
this is simple cooking. it is very safety because we don't need fire. it need oven only. recipe is follow 1.mix these thing a.ginger some a little b.garlic some a little c. soysource spoon 3times d. alcohols spoon 2times 2. mixed source into chicken and wait over for an hour 3. mixed katakuriko and put oven plate 4. pour a oil 5. into to oven for 250℃ for 30minitues 6. decorate this chicken 7. it's a enjoy time with beer. it's a very simple and safety. so I recommend you make.
1.mix these thing
a.ginger some a little
b.garlic some a little
c. soysource spoon 3times
d. alcohols spoon 2times
2. mixed source into chicken and wait over for an hour
3. mixed katakuriko and put oven plate
4. pour a oil
5. into to oven for 250℃ for 30minitues
6. decorate this chicken
7. it's a enjoy time with beer.
it's a very simple and safety. so I recommend you make.
#フライドチキン #鶏肉