• お気に入り
  • 32もぐもぐ!
  • 2リスナップ
  • 2012/05/16
  • 1,073

beef with tomato,lemongrass and star anise

みんなの投稿 (10)
influenced by the French,good with baguette,or rice.
Wow! beef with lemongrass♡
Do you always come up with your own recipe???
I want to keep pressing the yummy icon many times(^_-)
To: rikk
To: Tayuko this one also got star anise,carrot,ginger,passata(tomato purée),onion,fish sauce,black pepper,bay leaf.All these goes so well together.My recipes come from different places;books,internet,tv,ask people who are good.
To: Tayuko ,sometimes I follow the original and sometimes I have to change it up a little,and sometimes I have to figure out myself when I have something good in a restaurant.And of course I learned a few things when I worked in a restaurant.
To: Tayuko But nowadays,I hardly look at any recipes now,I just work with what I 've got in the fridge and improvise.It's more fun,and might be different everytime. Thank you!
To: marikoszk ,I used my pressure cooker for this to save time!
これは…うまそうだ(-。-; ヤバイ。いただきます。パクパク。
To: bongmaster thank you so much!It was delicious ,especially with rice!Is that Dali in your profile photo?He is one of my favorite artists!
To: rikk he is my favorite artist, Dali! Yes!!
もぐもぐ! (32)
リスナップ (2)