Actually my mum's,she gets very busy doing this before Chinese New Year.But I was helping,mainly because I wanted to learn it and she never work with measurement,so I had to weight everything along the way. Lots of work,but not as complicated as I expected.
Wow! It's finest sight✨✨there are many many turnip cakes that I love! I knew why you were busy...😁 Rickさま ママさま おつかれさまでした🙇 And....yaaaay🙌🎶🎶you know I longed for this recipe all the time! I'm sooo glad you remembering that our talk and you did measurement😭🙏💕 There is no doubt your mum's turnip cake wi
will catch my heart! I wanna try soon! Where is recipe?????please drop the recipe,my great masters! Btw,you can give a portion to Ivy because there are so many😁👍✨I envy Ivy😌🎶
You heard it too,Makiko San!That's right,mum's famous turnip cake,I wasn't to keen on learning,but I think I better so I could pass it on too!Whole lot of ingredients all mixed together,then steamed in a wok(中華鍋),not in oven,the photo showing is after steaming for over 1 hr or so,they are cooling do
Yep we did many in one go,mum has to give out a lot,so do I,so it's better to make a big batch!I had no idea,stirring everything together need some strength,it's laborious job,but I am glad I have that dealt with,still needs to work out some proportion,otherwise I have a pretty good idea how to mak
make this. Don't worry,the main reason I want to learn so I could pass on to you,let's talk about this when I see you! Of course Ivy is going to get her share too,I will make her to learn this too,so she could make her own in future!😁
Lots of work,but not as complicated as I expected.
これから丸めて焼くのでしょうか。このまま焼くの? 大根餅はフライパンで焼くと思っていたのだけど、この後どうなるんだろう…
Rickさま ママさま おつかれさまでした🙇
And....yaaaay🙌🎶🎶you know I longed for this recipe all the time! I'm sooo glad you remembering that our talk and you did measurement😭🙏💕
There is no doubt your mum's turnip cake wi
Btw,you can give a portion to Ivy because there are so many😁👍✨I envy Ivy😌🎶
Don't worry,the main reason I want to learn so I could pass on to you,let's talk about this when I see you!
Of course Ivy is going to get her share too,I will make her to learn this too,so she could make her own in future!😁
I'm looking forward to hear it when we meet up!
春節送你三個有,有吃有喝有朋友❗️🐑 還要送你三個無,無病無痛無煩惱❗️🐑 然後送你三個情,親情愛情和友情❗️🐑 最後送你三個樂,你樂我樂大家樂❗️