Mix the yeast in half a cup of warm milk with a teaspoon of sugar. Leave in a warm place to rest till it rises to the top of the cup.
In a bowl, combine flour and salt. Make a small well in a middle and yeast mixture, egg yolk, melted butter and milk and combine using hand. Knead for about 5 minutes till you get the soft dough that scrapes off the sides of the bowl. Leave to rest for about 10 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 200C.
Roll out the dough using a rolling pin to 1cm thickness.
Using a cake form cut out the rounds and place over the baking sheet on the tray.
Lightly beat the egg white and brunch the tops of the biscuits. Score with the points of the fork, sprinkle sesame and leave in a warm place to rise for another 5 minutes.
Bake the scones for 20min. Serve with yoghurt and clotted cream spread.