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  • 365もぐもぐ!
  • 14リスナップ
  • 2013/03/17
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みんなの投稿 (56)
A lot of people seem to like pork belly,so here is another pork belly dish.
Taiwanese people will know this,and sorry that it might not be authentic,especially with the steam bun,this is what I could get.
For the rest,this is the very famous Taiwanese "burger" that sells at food stands,night market
and the likes.A steam bun(まんじゅう) with braised pork belly(like豚角煮),pickled cabbage(酸菜,さんさい),coriander(香菜),and ground peanut (ピーナッツ)with sugar,so with all these mixed together in one bite,I'm sure you could imagine how good it tastes!
Also I want to mention my favorite Chinese food blogger,莊祖宜,I made
this using the description of her article.
What a lovely face!
I'd like to eat it and visit the night market of Taiwan.
It must be very exciting😃☝☝
To: rikk excellent! I love pork belly meat very much. Coriander and Taiwanese bun are nice combination. I absolutely eat it when I go to Taiwan. And these bun looks delicious than for sale.
looks soooo delicious
Looks good to me!!! Your version certainly looks a lot more refined and artistic !
To: noborionapple 真是偉大的發明啊!
To: romie yes,the original also famous for looking like a tiger eating piece of pork!Please pay a visit to the night markets if you are in Taiwan,so unique and fun,try this one and my other favorite,胡椒餅,you will love it!Also thank you for your patience reading,much appreciated!
To: dodyu thank you,very kind of you,also thank whoever invented this,really great combination,please try this when you visit Taiwan,don't miss 胡椒餅(pepper cake,a pastry filled with white peppered pork)too,my other favorite.Thanks for reading too!
To: HUANGYY thank you,glad you like this!
To: rikk 好想吃 这个难做吗
To: Anunnaki oh thank you,very nice of you,actually wanted to make this into a sub,but couldn't get the long steamed bun....
To: HUANGYY 不是自己做饅頭的話,這個其實很易,一片東坡肉,加些酸菜,芫茜,摻了糖的碎花生,就是這樣!
To: rikk 了解啦 多谢
To: HUANGYY 不客氣!
To: mushroOmcafe oh if you come from Thailand ,I'm sure you are familiar with the pork knuckle rice,this would be similar,but served inside a bun rather with rice,the ground peanut with sugar is an interesting touch too! Please try,it's really delicious!I am a big fan of coriander too!
To: Povii 即是"割"包!
Skin .... ?? ! .... 😲
To: Povii 啱你食𠺢😁
To: Povii it's really good👍
well,well!! I've been to try making this buns! But I didn't know the name.
thanks for your great post 刈包! I'll search recipe and try make 刈包,I suppose😄✌
add,seems like you switched back ground photo🌸🌸
so beautiful color and well composed
You'll brought to nice spring air✨
To: yukaringg If you are not going to make steam bun yourself,the rest is very simple,just make 豚角煮,using shaoshing wine instead,add a few star anise too,then add some pickled cabbage(or any pickle),香菜,and pound some peanuts with sugar,add to that and there you go!For the buns,I think you could get
To: yukaringg the frozen ones.
Happy that you like my photo,spring has come and I thought people would love to see some sakura.Iphone photo too,took that last year at 井の頭公園,beautiful place!Thank you for all the resnaps too!!
To: rikk
oh! that's good! Everybody loves Sakura🌸Thank you for your kindness,and explaining in detail too.
I'll try to make it when I get frozen buns😊👌
To: yukaringg 👌😊
the first Chinese food to see.☆
To: ucoparche thank you!Yes,I don't do Chinese food often,need to do more!
Such a nice!!
My daughter said to me "I want to try to eat this, mom! please make this!!"
Not knew what to say, so I said "well...this looks delicious!" 😁
To: makooo haha thank you,your daughter is so cute,but actually you could get frozen buns,and the rest is easy.Or else you could go to a place called "R burger" in Tokyo,they do something similar,steamed bun,meat patty,pickles and veggie,I like it a lot!
To: JUBY77 味道是不錯的,但賣相跟台灣的有點出入,但很感激你這樣說!
To: rikk (^∇^)
To: tibitaityou thank you,and resnap too,so glad you like this,your Japanese comments are always welcome!
To: rikk
To: tibitaityou that's very kind of you,I enjoy looking at your food too!
To: rikk
rikkさんの様な素敵なお料理作れるように頑張ります( ̄^ ̄)ゞ♡
To: marikoszk Hi there!It's funny,I have never heard of プアプアパン ,and in HK and China,we don't really dip bread in shark fin soup,I need to find out more about these.This is just the common steamed bun like 肉まん,but plain.I didn't made these,and couldn't get fresh ones that night,I bought these frozen
To: marikoszk ones in supermarket,and only took 10 min to steam.They are so good,please try and make,or else 📢"I would love to invite you next time!"📢
To: rikk
To: marikoszk oh I should say sorry,I misunderstood,I thought it's some kind of bread,haha,how silly...
To: rikk
Welcome here, I'm sorry.
To: marikoszk わかりました、ありがとう!😊
謝謝(〃ω〃) 啊〜日本語で書きます! 六年前まで上海市虹橋区の日本人幼稚園で働いていたので、中国語が懐かしい〜(*/∀\*)❤ 中国好きです!
To: yuzu75 sorry have to write English.Thank you for the follow,glad to hear you like Shanghai,I live in Hong Kong and I have never been there,I heard it's exciting and hopefully in the near future.So you were a kindergarten teacher,do you speak or write Chinese?
I can't speak english(´・ω・lll)
But...your meeting about this page!
Becouse,I think starting study english &廣東語☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
To: yuzu75 thank you,I will try to write simple English or Japanese!
To rikk
I'm fine at your message ٩꒰๑❛▿❛ ॢ̩꒱
Your food is so〜beauty!✨
I like braised pork belly with the bun. Has it a lot in thailand also, even i try to avoid fat in meat but only this menu is irresistible lol.. Anyhow, i have it with the bun as side dish. You created such a beautiful dish with amazing presentation idea!!
To: PraePlanet I didn't know your have these buns in Thailand,but I thought the pork knuckle rice has similar great taste and combination ,which works so well.I couldn't make them like the original and in fact I wanted turn this into a sub,but I couldn't get that size of the bun too,so this came up.
To: PraePlanet So glad you like this,really happy to hear,sorry to reply this late!
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リスナップ (14)