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  • 2013/09/09
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Snapper with courgette arugula sauce/鯛のソテー、ズッキーニルッコラソース

Olive oil
3 pieces
Shallot,finely chopped
Medium zucchini,chopped
Stock(veg or chicken)
Blanch the arugula in hot water,15secs,lift out refresh in ice water,squeeze dry,roughly chopped.
Sauté anchovy in olive oil,add shallot,zucchini,sauté with low heat,til soft,add stock,simmer for 10 mins,cool this mixture,then add the arugula and butter,and blend smooth in blender.
Just heat this up and use when fish is ready.
みんなの投稿 (25)
This is what I promised to do.My courgette arugula sauce had no cream in it,instead it has anchovy,shallot,and chicken stock,along with courgette and arugula.(アンチョビ、エシャロット、鶏がらスープ、ズッキーニ、ルッコラ)
Looks great!
Amazing beautiful✧
It's like a restaurant !
Source is very healthy!
rick chan から David McGuire
Thank you so much,appreciate this!
Thank you,and for the resnaps too!
So happy you like this,I'd like to add more healthy,fresh green colour to my dishes,just like you do!
Wow! What a beautiful dish!
I don't know what to say...
It looks great and also sause is very healthy,so I totally love this meal:)
The sause made the snapper happy:D Definitely!!!
rick chan から のっちゃん
Thank you,and for the resnaps too!Actually Ms Yukari asked me to do this,she knows you like zucchini(ズッキーニ=courgette) sauce,but do not like prawn,so I am pairing a similar sauce with fish.If you like,you could try,I have added directions.
I have no cream in this ,but add it if you like.Also with thi
rick chan から のっちゃん
this or Ms Yukari's pasta dish,I think you could use squid/いか too.
I am using the leftover sauce to make a pasta too,I will post next time!
I hope you understand all these English,if not,please let me know,and I am sure Ms Yukari would help too!
のっちゃん から rick chan
I was able to understand English
Thank you kindly♡
Ms Yukari said to me.
Rick chan has made ​​a source of fish and arugula !
But , I have a shrimp allergy:(
So , I'd love to cook with fish and squid someday !
And , I'm looking forward to post your pasta!
rick chan から ともきーた (伊藤 智子)
Thank you so much,very nice of you to give me such good compliments,I had fun making this,and I especially love fishes like this so I don't have to deal with the bones!Thanks for resnap too!
rick chan から のっちゃん
Oh ,I see,you have shrimp allergy,I feel sorry.Please try with fish or squid then or even ほたって貝.
I will post the pasta next time!
rick chan から 粉蔵(こなちゃん ♪)
Thank you so much,for the compliment,follow and resnap!
I am so glad you like what I do,your are a great cook too!I look forward to your new dishes!Sorry that my Japanese writing is no good.
W😍w! Thank you soo mush for this!
that's so you! Beautifully done dish up as always! And thanx for uploaded your recipe, I can make it anytime😊
Anyway,I looked over you and のっちゃんtalk👆. i am so sorry,I couldn't tell you her detail. few days ago,I heard she have allergy of shrimp.
I'll help her up wit
with gladly😊
but seems she understanding your gently English😊👍
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you Ms Yukari,and you are welcome!のっちゃん knows English well and we had a good chat, I understand her situation now,and I have suggested her to try squid or scallop for your pasta,or fish with mine.It's been a long time since I made this,and I found out it's quite a different sauce from yours,m
rick chan から ゆかり
mine had no cream,but it has anchovy and arugula,there is more arugula taste rather than the zucchini.But it works great with both seafood and pasta,I will post the pasta I made with this sauce next time!I also want to try yours with cream too!
ARE YOU a sheff??lol

your cooking looks sooo unblieveable.
rick chan から レイラ
Thank you for the compliment!I am just a hairdresser,who love to cook.
Thank you for everything.
rick chan から kzsyk
You are welcome,you make great food!Thank you too!


Thank you for resnapping!
I didn't know that you were a haidresser! cooool!
rick chan から なっちゃん
Thank you so much for the follow ,I am happy to hear your compliments!
I am not good at writing Japanese,but I can read simple words!
rick chan から ともきーた (伊藤 智子)
You are welcome!Haha,you found out,thanks,it's not bad,can't complain!
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リスナップ (29)