• お気に入り
  • 13もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2012/05/01
  • 138


みんなの投稿 (15)
カマボコなんだ(*'ω' *)
To: kyorokyon
To: seaonmama あらーん(●´д`●)
What is this?:)
To: hackerty11
kobe beef in fish paste.
Not delicious lol
To: seaonmama hahaha i got it:)
To: hackerty11
do you know KAMABOKO?
To: seaonmama i guess not:) why?
To: hackerty11
because this food name is kamaboko.Popular food in Japan:D
To: seaonmama oh~ i see^^ so..let's me ask you, how is the weather in Japan? You know, in thailand it so hot around 38-42 degree!! T_T;
To: hackerty11
It is hot!Japan is a good season in the spring.Pleasant weather♪(´ε` )
To: seaonmama i envy you~ >~<) i also have a plan to go to Japan...So, if that day have come, it's possible to see you?:)
To: hackerty11
If you get a chance :D
To: seaonmama of course!! I hope like that^^
To: hackerty11
Have you been to Japan?
もぐもぐ! (13)