• お気に入り
  • 21もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2013/08/23
  • 1,575

Choco-Maca-Nana Fry (Chocolate-Macadamia-Banana)

Banana, diced
Honey-roasted macadamia nuts, crushed
Wanton wrapper
Dark chocolate syrup
Mix diced banana and crushed honey-roasted nuts in a bowl. Lay a small, square wanton wrapper on a dry surface (like chopping board), put the mixture on about 1/6 of the surface of the wanton wrapper (not so much or they will ruin the whole stuff). Damp the sides of the wanton wrapper then fold into half, forming a triangle shape. Lightly seal the edges with fork. When all of the mixture have been stuffed in your wanton wrappers, deep fry them in hot (but not smoky) oil. Decrease oiliness by lining the fried stuff on kitchen napkin. Serve with dark chocolate syrup and/or whipped cream. But be careful to watch your fats :)
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