• お気に入り
  • 7もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2017/10/13
  • 1,326

Salt/Sugar-Free Vegan Bento for Baby and Mommy 塩・砂糖・乳製品・卵無しの赤ちゃん主導の離乳食のお弁当


🌳Savory Broccoli Muffin
30g self-rising flour*
5g broccoli florets
15g cooked quinoa
10g ground oats
10g soy cheese
1g salt-free kombu powder
45g water

🍁Maple-Carrot/Plain Vanilla Muffin
60g self-rising flour*
15g grated carrot (omit if you want it plain vanilla)
30g cooked quinoa
20g ground oats
40g water
40g coco milk
10g maple syrup (double if you want to feel the sweetness; but you might have to decrease cocomilk)
vanilla oil

👩🏻‍🍳Mix all ingredients well, pour in small muffin molds then bake in 170degC for 15minutes. (I used a tiny muffin mold that can hold 20mL of batter)

*Self-rising flour: 100g flour + 25g potato starch + 5g baking powder (or pancake mix)

みんなの投稿 (1)
Vegan Bento for Baby and Mommy

Salt-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, egg-free bento for baby-led-weaning on-the-go. Homemade quinoa muffins (broccoli-soycheese, corn, squash, vanilla), soy yogurt with chia seeds and acai powder, boiled broccoli, maple syrup, grapes and melon. Yum!

自家製キヌアマフィン (ブロッコリーと豆乳チーズ、コーン、かぼちゃ、バニラ)、チアシードとアサイパウダー入りの豆乳ヨーグルト、茹でブロッコリー、メープルシロップ、ぶどう、メロン。美味しいよ〜(^ν^)
もぐもぐ! (7)