To: humongousfungus thank you,makes me so happy coming from a Japanese,I'm still exploring Japanese cuisine,but thanks for everybody's inspiration here.I hope all the ingredients are easy for you to find in where you live,because I am sure you could handle an easy recipe like this!
To: rikk Ok Rick.. I've figured it out! You are an Original Masculine Chef!! I mean.. Beauty, in the hands of a Man. Your dishes displays who you are.. I think it's the core of you. Everything you do is uniquely solidified thru who you are. Blessings.
To: Trivia36 I am flattered,Trivia.The truth is I just spend a lot of time looking at books,searching through the internet to get some ideas,I really couldn't have done this alone!Anyway,massive thank you ,you are so sweet ,making me very happy!!
To: MangoPudding it's a method that Japanese use to prepare certain types of fish(usually shiny skin),I use秋刀魚and it is slowly braised with soy sauce,sake,mirin,sugar,水飴(corn syrup)for 2 hr until the sauce becomes thick and syrupy and fish bone becomes so soft that you could eat.I use pressure cooke
To: MangoPudding Continued from the first comment: I use pressure cooker,it's perfect for this and really speed up the process.I think in old time Japan,this is a kind of preserved food and meant to be kept for a long time.Like many Japanese braised dishes,this is on the sweet side rather than sav
Ok Rick.. I've figured it out! You are an Original Masculine Chef!!
I mean.. Beauty, in the hands of a Man. Your dishes displays who you are.. I think it's the core of you.
Everything you do is uniquely solidified thru who you are.
What's the meaning of 甘露煮?steam?
I use pressure cooker,it's perfect for this and really speed up the process.I think in old time Japan,this is a kind of preserved food and meant to be kept for a long time.Like many Japanese braised dishes,this is on the sweet side rather than sav
秋刀魚好多骨頭,吃起來不爽快。不過高壓鍋的煮法倒是個捷徑 👍