• お気に入り
  • 53もぐもぐ!
  • 1リスナップ
  • 2012/10/21
  • 1,037


みんなの投稿 (17)
This dish looks so tempting in everybody's post ,I just need to make one!
Wow, that looks awesome. You're making me miss my country as I've been traveling outside of Japan for a while.
To: humongousfungus thank you,makes me so happy coming from a Japanese,I'm still exploring Japanese cuisine,but thanks for everybody's inspiration here.I hope all the ingredients are easy for you to find in where you live,because I am sure you could handle an easy recipe like this!
To: rikk
Ok Rick.. I've figured it out! You are an Original Masculine Chef!!
I mean.. Beauty, in the hands of a Man. Your dishes displays who you are.. I think it's the core of you.
Everything you do is uniquely solidified thru who you are.
Awesome 👍👍 Also love lotus roots and persimmons at background 😋
What's the meaning of 甘露煮?steam?
To: Trivia36 I am flattered,Trivia.The truth is I just spend a lot of time looking at books,searching through the internet to get some ideas,I really couldn't have done this alone!Anyway,massive thank you ,you are so sweet ,making me very happy!!
To: MangoPudding it's a method that Japanese use to prepare certain types of fish(usually shiny skin),I use秋刀魚and it is slowly braised with soy sauce,sake,mirin,sugar,水飴(corn syrup)for 2 hr until the sauce becomes thick and syrupy and fish bone becomes so soft that you could eat.I use pressure cooke
To: MangoPudding for the lotus root salad,I simply used mayo and 豆瓣醤for the dressing.
To: MangoPudding 其實再想想,這個味道真像上海的薰魚,你應該熟悉吧!
To: chenchengren 謝謝!也很理解,我家附近都沒有像樣的外賣,所以像這樣的燜煑菜式,我會多做一點,放入冰箱保存,沒時間做菜時就拿出來在微波爐解凍,味道不會差太遠的!
To: MangoPudding Continued from the first comment:
I use pressure cooker,it's perfect for this and really speed up the process.I think in old time Japan,this is a kind of preserved food and meant to be kept for a long time.Like many Japanese braised dishes,this is on the sweet side rather than sav
To: rikk
To: rikk
秋刀魚好多骨頭,吃起來不爽快。不過高壓鍋的煮法倒是個捷徑 👍
To: rachelxuan 昨晚出外了,今晚會晚做飯!
To: rikk ok!静候美味。😍😍😍
もぐもぐ! (53)
リスナップ (1)