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  • 2014/03/16
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Hamburger with black pepper sauce

みんなの投稿 (19)
rick chan から おりぃ
Thank you,and resnap too,that's very encouraging,I will work hard!
Wow,it's rare you made humburgerd.i guess it's my first time!
It's so nice you chooses black pepper sauce! i love black pepper!
and lovely dish up too! All the garnish too. Especially i agree with you fixed spaghetti,i big love this combo!
Anyway,this pics has different atmosphere from your ordinary
well..Is it a lithograph you displaying behind?It's a shame I can't view whole...😁😊
rick chan から ゆかり
I was craving for burger but I didn't have time to make the bun,so I tried this old school 洋食 dish,still benefiting from your suggestion,I finish the burger in oven,I have to say it's the best!Nicely caramelized on the outside,and stays moist inside.And can't call this old school without this spaghe
spaghetti,with tomato sauce and butter.I love this style too,and reminds me of my childhood!Demi glacé takes ages,so this is from a can,trying to make it special adding cracked pepper,keeping the theme too!You are right,slightly different mood of the photo this time,at the background it's a lithogra
lithograph that I hang in my room.I have very neutral colours walls and furnitures,so I spiced it up with these,but still keeping it minimal.I don't know the artist who did this one,probably not interesting enough for you,but I'll try to show you sometime.I also have a Rothko in the dinning room,you
know him?His work is ideal for me to hang.
ゆかり から rick chan
Please forget about lithograph,i can't bother you.actually my major field of study was lithograph when i learning prints at art college.just I was curious to know your favorite printmaker or painter. Wow! you are tasteful that displaying Rothko! He is one of the favorite American abstract painter.
(in other American artist
,i admire Helen Frankenthaler or Jackson Pollock too) I'm glad that we seem to have the same tastes about art too! Sorry..I was talking too much again😔💦
rick chan から ゆかり
No,I don't get enough with your art talk!Though I am not too familiar with the artists from this era,I do like abstract expressionism,especially Rothko,I was lucky enough to see his exhibition in HK too.I also like Helen's work.With Jackon,I wasn't sure at first about the splashing colours,but then
I also never seen anyone could do that as good as he does,so there must be an explanation why he is valued as one of the best,don't you think?
Thank you for re-snap :D
りんご娘 から rick chan
I love hamburger steak❤︎
It seems to be delicious!
and the photograph of the cherry tree is beautiful.
sorry... I am weak in English.
rick chan から miyako
You are welcome,love your dish!
rick chan から miyako
Thank you for resnap too!
rick chan から りんご娘
I am glad to hear,hamburger is my favorite food too,from when I small!With the help of SD,my hamburger making skill is improving.Your lava cheeseburger is the best I have seen,love to try!
Hope to bring some spring mood with cherry blossom photo,so happy with your compliment,you are an excellent pho
photographer too!I wish I have taken your cherry blossom photo!
Don't be sorry,your English is perfect,appreciate your comment so much!
もぐもぐ! (353)
リスナップ (32)