• お気に入り
  • 267もぐもぐ!
  • 48リスナップ
  • 2016/03/18
  • 2,730


みんなの投稿 (9)
Enough with the cold and wet winter and I am starting my Sakura season ahead!
Not only enjoy the sight of sakura scenery,but also the taste of sakura itself,especially the leaves,one sniff of it and it instantly reminds me the freshness of spring aroma,very captivating and nothing else could do that for me.
Too sad I couldn't make it to Japan this year,I hope having lots of sakura sweets could compensate....may be just a little...
What lovely Sakura mochies! Tokyo is going to be 20 degrees today. Sakura is about to broom. It's a bit too early. I have a plan to do Ohanami with friends but the Ohanami day is 2 wks ahead(ー ー;). It seems no hope...
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thanks again!
I want to learn to make more and better wagashi.It's hard for me to totally understand the origin and characteristic of all the different types,it's such an extensive culture!
So that must be the 関西風 I did last year with 道明寺 then,I wanted to try a different one this year,so here it is!
Please teach me more about wagashi,I am looking forward to see yours!
rick chan から cocoa
It's so good to hear,because wagashi is still new to me and I am not confident about it all!
There also been report here saying Tokyo Sakura will start blooming soon on 23rd,such a shame it might be too early for you and your friends,but sure there will be some that blooms late.
Nevertheless I hope you could enjoy the beautiful scene and atmosphere,it really is enchanting just to be around all the sakura trees!
Feel like I can smell of it!🌸
rick chan から hannah
Haha,but you'll be smelling the real Sakura in no time,I am jealous!Anyway please enjoy and have lots of spring food!
Thank you so much,I am no expert of wagashi,and I am eager to learn more about it!
There are a few sakura trees in HK,nothing like the scale of Japan's and certainly less pretty,so Japan is the only place I would go for sakura sighting.Also good idea to have a branch at home,not quite the same atmosphere,but you could enjoy it more peacefully,not bad.I am sure you are good at flower arrangements then!
Thank you for the encouragement,I know there's going to be lots of chance for sakura in future.I am still thankful that all these good food that take us to other time and places spiritually while I couldn't be personally!
Thank you Tomo San,and you are most welcome!Very happy especially hearing from you,I am never sure of tradition wagashi,I just find it interesting and try to play around,just hoping not to embarrass myself,so relieved that you approve!
As usual I use reference from books and internet,luckily there are quite a lot sakura mochis for me to follow.It's such a special time of the year,although I couldn't be in Japan,I want to share the joy!So jealous you could enjoy in those beautiful environment with your closest fam and friends!
About red bean paste,I got lazy this time and used store bought,but after I made this I saw a Japanese movie 'あん' and I was so touched by it,I also want to experience the process of making it,one day I will tackle it for sure!
もぐもぐ! (267)
リスナップ (48)