• お気に入り
  • 23もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2012/06/08
  • 466

お昼ごはん アサリとしめじの炊き込みご飯

みんなの投稿 (10)
ナスとピーマン、豚肉、椎茸の煮物 醤油のたまり漬け美味しかった
To: madaraneko
有難うございます!嬉しいです🎶殆ど和の器ばかりです♪( ´▽`)
Beautiful food and plates again!You really like cooking,don't you?How do you have time to cook lunch at home while you have a job?Also thank you for resnap my photo,I haven't a lot of "yummy" from your followers.
To: rikk
my job is very irregular. read narration in live TV program in the early morning,I'm…there are days when only one from this evening.
To: rikk
Recently,because I'm into snap dish,I often have within us.English will become better! Actually I used a translation site!
To: marikoszk good,give you more time to cook.I can never cook lunch for myself.Sorry again for all the trouble reading and writing English!
To: rikk

あ ♪

めーっけ ◎

もぐもぐ! (23)