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  • 2014/07/30
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2Colour gazpacho/crab roe served on toast

みんなの投稿 (32)
Got an brown crab,flesh was used to served with gazpacho,the roe was mixed with shallot,butter and brandy and served on toast.Gazpacho was made with yellow pepper and tomatoes,and red peppers and tomatoes separately,for more dramatic visual effect,I was hoping...
哇❗ 你終於上載 Gazpacho了❗
多麼漂亮✨ 比我想像精彩多了❗
rick chan から かわち
Thank you so much!
rick chan から まちまちこ
rick chan から Seiai Den
Thanks,makes me happy to hear!
まちまちこ から rick chan
Rick,我每天早上習慣欣賞 Michako san的新照片,可是今天就發現她的主頁上一個數據也沒有! 這是怎麼回事? 你也看看吧。
rick chan から まちまちこ
我也找不到啊!但不用太擔心的,可能是SD有故障,不然的話,Yukari 和 Romi 是認識她的,我會托他們打聽到一下!稍後回覆你!
まちまちこ から rick chan

謝謝你! Yukari san, Romie san肯定都很忙吧,我不著急地等待你的回覆吧。
Can I have comment on your beautiful bicolored gazpacho yet?? Time's up?? Reall!? Please let me say it🙇😁
.....Anyway....📢what a striking good looks soup✨
Your hope reached our mind perfectly! It's very impressive like a minimal art! Sometimes you suddenly make us surprise by your unique though
thought! I adore such your part! ball stuff is cucumber?
So beautiful! I wanna eat like this special gazpacho,looks so tasty putting crab meat😋💘👾←⁇
rick chan から ゆかり
Your comments are never overtime, my posts need to be graced by your words!
The gazpacho recipe is my own,it has evolved through the years to suit my liking,only sometimes I vary it slightly to keep it interesting.But I am sure I have seen the two-colours idea somewhere,I just finally got the chance
to do it.I have even seen a tri-colour one!Crab meat also goes well in bright chilled soup like this,and well spotted,those are cucumber balls!
So the crab roe toast didn't seem to interest you,may be you are allergic to it.But that is one piece of tasty bite,pure indulgence for me!The highlight of
ゆかり から rick chan
OMG..so sory!
I get captivated by lovely gazpacho,
so i totally forgot to say a about
bruschetta😢🙏Of course, I big love such dainty bits.i want to try similar bruschetta with Japanese crab roe on this winter! (we can't get fresh brown crab in here...😢)
Add I've no allergies to crab😊
Add I love the s
Add I love the screen pics that you lying on the grass at Nara park👍✨
rick chan から ゆかり
No need to be sorry and I am glad to know you are ok with crab then.We could get live brown crab here,but this one is cooked and frozen,it saved my time dealing with it and taste was still good.Brown crabs are known for having lots of delicious roe,I wonder which Japanese type could substitute.
I ha
I have to thank you for taking the photo,credit had been added now,please check again!I love this photo so much!
ゆかり から rick chan
Rick!😆😍👍💕you make me!
I checked your photo just now!
Sooooo good😻💘That has a very laid-back atmosphere added your playful mind.i really liked it!!! Sun☀sun☀
Thank you for credit too,May I add your name on my profile photo too?
rick chan から ゆかり
Haha,thanks,just trying to have some fun with your great photo!
I don't mind at all if you don't add credit on your photo,but if that's your wish,please go ahead by all means!😊
I want to eat the beautiful&awesome soup.
rick chan から Rogerina
Thank you,you are very kind!I make gazpacho every summer,just trying to make it more interesting with 2 colours this time!
I'll try to challenge 2colors gazpacho.

rick chan から ゆりねかふぇ
Thank you ゆりね San!This is Spanish chilled soup gazpacho,really refreshing for the summer,please try when it comes!
Really simple,just do two different colour of soup,using different colour of peppers(ピーマン),yellow and red.When serving,put them in two pitcher,one hand each,pour on the plate at same time,and same speed.I am sure you could do it!






PS 英語は、読めるけど、かけません。日本語で、ごめんなさい💧
rick chan から ゆりねかふぇ
Hi Yurine San,so glad you are interested.I am sorry I only could write English too,let me write it short and simply.As for you,please write Japanese,I understand a little.No need to be sorry!
Gazpacho is like a liquid salad,very refreshing for summer,but make sure it is chilled enough (in refrigerator) before serving.They are usually made of:peppers,tomato,cucumber,white bread,sherry vinegar,garlic/onion,Tabasco(if you like spicy),olive oil,salt and pepper,and little sugar.All blended together raw,no need to cook at all(for the freshness).The red one should be easy.The yellow one,please find yellow peppers,I also have yellow tomato here too.If you don't have that,just use red ones,but less amount.Also good idea to peel cucumber too.The bread is there to thicken the soup,an tradition of Spain.Also to serve with the soup,you could also consider エビほたて,basil or mint.Good luck with it,I hope you could make the family happy!Please let me know if you have any more question!
Ah,also little tomato paste,or ketchup!






rick chan から ゆりねかふぇ
Hi Yurine San!
You know there is a big world of gazpacho,I have seen many different versions,using different vegetables,even fruits(strawberry,watermelon),also different colors,red,orange,yellow,green(just cucumber),and white(using almond and grapes)!So of course you could use anything,like celery,and using wine vinegar to replace sherry vinegar!Also if your children like eggs,you could add chopped hardboiled egg when serving.Good idea to add little mayoマヨネーズ to blend with the vegetables too,the colour will be less bright,but taste will be richer.For freshness,please try using lemon juice or lime juice together with vinegar.So as you see,the possibility is endless,please explore,and adjust according to how your family likes it.
It's a pity you don't have yellow tomatoes in Japan,so I suggest you use more yellow pepper and less tomato in the yellow gazpacho,more tomato in the red one,when you eat,mix everything together and you still get a lot tomato taste.Spanish gazpacho is more focus on peppers,so less tomato is ok!
Also you could use the tomato 'pulp',the watery thing with the seeds,put it in a strainer,the clear water comes out from it is full of tomato flavour,good for the yellow gazpacho!
So glad you like the color contrast of this soup,it's really quite attractive and draws many attention,please try!!I hope you have a successful birthday party,good food really bring us happiness.Please let me know how the party goes!




rick chan から ゆりねかふぇ
You are too kind,my cooking only average,but I am happy to help anytime!
You really work very fast,gazpacho done already,looks really successful too,let's talk over there!
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