• お気に入り
  • 17もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2012/05/23
  • 495


みんなの投稿 (5)
I know it's not a sexy dish,but again I got off work really late,and this is easy,also good for me to bring lunch.
To: rikk this would be perfect for lunch!!! May I ask .... your job?
To: Tayuko I'm a hairdresser,not much time to go out for lunch,and deliveries aren't that good.The main reason that I cook every night is that I could bring my own lunch,but getting off work late is a problem for me too...
To: rikk what I've seen in your food pictures, you must make the most beautiful hair style! I really wish you were in Tokyo........although
I have Rei Kawakubo hair cut...!
To: Tayuko thank you,I guess I'm doing ok,my clients have been with me for a long time,they are not adventurous anymore,which kind of make my job easy.So one length bob with a full fringe kind of hairstyle you have?Very cool!
もぐもぐ! (17)