Just when I ran out of idea what to cook,saw this one from Ms Yukari and it was love first sight.Didn't know poppy seeds are in Japanese cuisine,I use the ones for my Indian curry,don't know if they are the same type,anyway it is a delicious dish,I will definitely make again!Thank you Ms Yukari for
I could only glance of your pics last night.And now I gazed at your pics again! Wow,You made not merely pork dish but also 柿の白和え too! this is double stunning 👀✨ Plus,You served きんぴらtoo! It's my big fav! You cleverly takes advantage of a walnut at the same time! I guess you liked this nuts taste beca
It has been a big influence from Ms Yukari lately,these two dishes too,might as well make use of this great autumn flavour of walnut!Thank you for giving me the idea,both so good!However,I might not have prepared correctly or may be the walnut that I use,walnut was only very vague,but it did not mat
matter,poppy seeds made this specially fragrant!I once saw a Japanese dish called 松風something that uses ケシの実,didn't care to find out what that is,and now I know Japanese cuisine uses poppy seeds too. And yes,we have very same taste,nuts,root vegetables, fruits, beans...countless!It will be very easy
ordering when we dine together! Thank you for naming this for me,I always have difficulties to translate... So glad you are getting better,I sincerely hope you stay healthy,love to your dishes soon!
Oh by the way,I have added the Japanese title,but since the upgrade of the iOS,SD has all sorts of problems,and now even title can't be shown more than one line,let's hope they fix this soon! Have a nice day!
To: rikk Thanx for added Japanese title😊 It's so nice♪♪ Haha,rick san♪you gave me fresh surprise again n again! 松風 is Japanese trad dishes,using poppy seeds on top.N it's my fave! I make 松風 and eat it on New Year's Day. So 松風 is slightly rare to us too! You are really knowledgeable about Japanese f
I have seen 松風 both in 野崎洋光 San and 笠原將弘 San books,I was instantly attracted by this Japanese meatloaf,since I love all the minced meat dishes,but I thought ケシの実 is a rare Japanese thing and hard to get,but after this I am so going to make 松風,at new year time too!It's always great talking to you,get
Plus,You served きんぴらtoo! It's my big fav! You cleverly takes advantage of a walnut at the same time! I guess you liked this nuts taste beca
Anyway,If I name it in Japanese...
It's "豚ロースの木の実味噌焼き"
How about it?😊
Thanx rick san😉🙏
I'm so far so good,I've returned to work starting today.I'll call it a day today and go home 😊
And yes,we have very same taste,nuts,root vegetables, fruits, beans...countless!It will be very easy
Thank you for naming this for me,I always have difficulties to translate...
So glad you are getting better,I sincerely hope you stay healthy,love to your dishes soon!
Have a nice day!
Thanx for added Japanese title😊
It's so nice♪♪
Haha,rick san♪you gave me fresh surprise again n again!
松風 is Japanese trad dishes,using poppy seeds on top.N it's my fave! I make 松風 and eat it on New Year's Day. So 松風 is slightly rare to us too!
You are really knowledgeable about Japanese f
Thanks,I'd recovered😄I'll go back SD soon♪ see ya,dueces✌🎶